Ana Carolina Salgado

Orcid: 0000-0003-4036-8064

According to our database1, Ana Carolina Salgado authored at least 114 papers between 1989 and 2023.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Class Schema Discovery from Semi-Structured Data.
J. Inf. Data Manag., October, 2023

Domain-specific schema discovery from general-purpose knowledge base.
Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies, 2023

CoFFee: A Co-occurrence and Frequency-Based Approach to Schema Mining.
Proceedings of the 37th Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 2022

A survey on data fusion: what for? in what form? what is next?
J. Intell. Inf. Syst., 2021

A Review on OLAP Technologies Applied to Information Networks.
ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, 2020

Big Data Streaming Platforms to Support Real-time Analytics.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Software Technologies, 2020

Improving Ontology Matching Using Application Requirements for Segmenting Ontologies.
J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 2019

Incremental entity resolution process over query results for data integration systems.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst., 2019

Uma Análise Experimental do Impacto da Seleção de Atributos em Processos de Resolução de Entidades.
Proceedings of the 34th Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 2019

An Approach for Generating and Semantically Enriching Dataset Profiles.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2018

A framework for data transformation in Credit Behavioral Scoring applications based on Model Driven Development.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2017

Uma Proposta de Perfil de Conjuntos de Dados na Web com Enriquecimento Semântico.
Proceedings of the XXXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2017

Dynamic Indexing for Incremental Entity Resolution in Data Integration Systems.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2017, 2017

A Strategy for Selecting Relevant Attributes for Entity Resolution in Data Integration Systems.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2017, 2017

Geração de um Perfil de Qualidade Para Fontes de Dados Dinâmicas.
Proceedings of the 31º Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2016

Uma Estratégia para Seleção de Atributos Relevantes no Processo de Resolução de Entidades.
Proceedings of the 31º Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2016

Conceptual Mappings to Convert Relational into NoSQL Databases.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2016, 2016

Including hierarchical navigation in a Graph Database query language with an OBDA approach.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 2016

A Query-Driven, Incremental Process for Entity Resolution.
Proceedings of the 10th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, 2016

Towards a Multi-Layer Architecture for Combination of Schema Matchers.
Proceedings of the 10th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, 2016

CORE - A Context-based Approach for Rewriting User Queries.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2015, 2015

J. Inf. Data Manag., 2014

J. Inf. Data Manag., 2014

Improving User Interaction on Ontology-based Peer Data Management Systems.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2014

CoMoVi: a Framework for Data Transformation in Credit Behavioral Scoring Applications Using Model Driven Architecture.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2014

RecRoute - A Bus Route Recommendation System Based on Users' Contextual Information.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2014, 2014

A Proposal to Maintain the Semantic Balance in Cluster-based Data Integration Systems.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2014, 2014

Preserving the Original Query Semantics in Routing Processes.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2014, 2014

The CSS Design Process: On Supporting Context-Sensitive Systems Development.
Proceedings of the Context in Computing, 2014

A Method for Building Personalized Ontology Summaries.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2013

Geographic Data Access in an Ontology-based Peer Data Management System.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2013

Semantic measures as information quality criteria for query routing processes.
Int. J. Bus. Intell. Data Min., 2013

Using Graph Clustering for Community Discovery in Web-Based Social Networks.
Proceedings of the Advances in Swarm Intelligence, 4th International Conference, 2013

RecRoute: Uma Proposta de Aplicativo para Recomendação de Rotas de Ônibus Utilizando Informações Contextuais dos Usuários.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2013

Uma interface de consulta visual para sistemas de gerenciamento de dados de pares baseados em ontologia.
Proceedings of the 9th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2013

Load balance for semantic cluster-based data integration systems.
Proceedings of the 17th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, 2013

Inferring Hidden Trust Relationships in Social Networks for Encouraging Collaboration and Cooperation among Individuals.
Proceedings of the Collaboration and Technology - 19th International Conference, 2013

Ontology-Based Clustering in a Peer Data Management System.
Int. J. Distributed Syst. Technol., 2012

Combining Semantic Information and Information Quality on the Enrichment of Web Data Integration Systems .
Proceedings of the WEBIST 2012 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Porto, Portugal, 18, 2012

A User Context Management Approach for Query Personalization Settings.
Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 2012

The UbiBus Project: Using Context and Ubiquitous Computing to build Advanced Public Transportation Systems to Support Bus Passengers.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2012

UbibusRoute: Um Sistema de Identificação e Sugestão de Rotas de Ônibus Baseado em Informações de Redes Sociais.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2012

T-SWEETS: An Alternative to the Stimulus Collaboration from Trust Inference in Social Networks.
Proceedings of the 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems, 2012

Estudo Comparativo entre Proposicionalização e Mineração de Dados Multidimensional sobre um Banco de Dados Relacional.
Proceedings of the XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2012

Contextual information in user information systems in public transportation: A systematic review.
Proceedings of the 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012

Using information quality for the identification of relevant web data sources: a proposal.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, IIWAS '12, Bali, Indonesia, 2012

Towards an information quality approach to enhance query routing processes.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, IIWAS '12, Bali, Indonesia, 2012

Ontology-Based Geographic Data Access in a Peer Data Management System.
Proceedings of the XIII Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, 2012

Semantic Loss in Query Reformulation in Dynamic Distributed Environments.
Proceedings of the 6th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, 2012

Enriching Query Routing Processes in PDMS with Semantic Information and Information Quality.
Proceedings of the 6th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management, 2012

A Semantic-Based Approach for Data Management in a P2P System.
Trans. Large Scale Data Knowl. Centered Syst., 2011

The Data Integration Research Group at UFPE.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2011

Designing context-sensitive systems: An integrated approach.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2011

Building Geospatial Ontologies From Geographic Database Schemas In Peer Data Management Systems.
Proceedings of the XII Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, 2011

Exploring Web Semantic Knowledge and User Feedback to Improve Ontology Matching.
Proceedings of the 2011 Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2011

J. Inf. Data Manag., 2010

Revisiting "Providing Multidimensional and Geographical Integration Based on a GDW and Metamodels".
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2010

Providing Multidimensional and Geographical Integration Based on a GDW and Metamodels.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2010

Modelling and querying geographical data warehouses.
Inf. Syst., 2010

A Context-Based Schema Integration Process Applied to Healthcare Data Sources.
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2010 Workshops, 2010

<i>PSemRef</i>: personalized query reformulation based on user preferences.
Proceedings of the iiWAS'2010, 2010

Using Cases, Evidences and Context to Support Decision Making.
Proceedings of the Enterprise Information Systems - 12th International Conference, 2010

A Conceptual Framework for the Development of Applications Centred on Context and Evidence-based Practice.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2010 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Volume 3, ISAS, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, June 8, 2010

Summarizing ontology-based schemas in PDMS.
Proceedings of the Workshops Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2010

Using a metamodel to design structural and behavioral aspects in context-sensitive groupware.
Proceedings of the 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2010

AutonomousDB: A Tool for Autonomic Propagation of Schema Updates in Heterogeneous Multi-database Environments.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, 2009

A Semantic-Based Ontology Matching Process for PDMS.
Proceedings of the Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2009

A process for the design of Context-Sensitive Systems.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computers Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2009

A Context-Oriented Model for Domain-Independent Context Management.
Rev. d'Intelligence Artif., 2008

Especificação e Avaliação de Algoritmos para Processamento Multidimensional-Geográfico.
Proceedings of the XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2008

Towards a Context Ontology to Enhance Data Integration Processes.
Proceedings of the 4th International VLDB Workshop on Ontology-based Techniques for DataBases in Information Systems and Knowledge Systems, 2008

A set of aggregation functions for spatial measures.
Proceedings of the DOLAP 2008, 2008

Data Engineering: Modeling and Integration Issues. (Ingénierie des données: problèmes de modélisation et d'intégration).
, 2008

A Contextualised Learning Interaction Memory.
J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 2007

Querying Geographical Data Warehouses With GeoMDQL.
Proceedings of the XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2007

Information Quality Measurement in Data Integration Schemas.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Quality in Databases, 2007

Data Integration Schema Analysis: An Approach With Information Quality.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Quality, 2007

Minimality quality criterion evaluation for integrated schemas.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), 2007

Investigating the Specifics of Contextual Elements Management: The CEManTIKA Approach.
Proceedings of the Modeling and Using Context, 2007

Retrieving Specific Domain Information from the Web Through Ontologies.
Int. J. Intell. Inf. Technol., 2006

Data Management in P2P Systems.
Proceedings of the XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2006

An open source and web based framework for geographic and multidimensional processing.
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2006

Query reformulation for an XML-based data integration system.
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2006

Towards a Context Ontology for Geospatial Data Integration.
Proceedings of the On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops, 2006

Hoarding and prefetching for mobile databases.
Proceedings of the 5th Annual IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2006) and 1st IEEE/ACIS International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, 2006

Looking at both the present and the past to efficiently update replicas of web content.
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2005), 2005

Using Ontologies to Prospect Offers on the Web.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2005, 2005

Towards an Ontology for Context Representation in Groupware.
Proceedings of the Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use, 11th International Workshop, 2005

Identifying the Interaction Context in CSCLE.
Proceedings of the Modeling and Using Context, 2005

Propondo uma Linguagem de Consulta Geográfica Multidimensional.
Proceedings of the VI Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, 2004

Evolution of XML-Based Mediation Queries in a Data Integration System.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains, 2004

DBSitter: An Intelligent Tool for Database Administration.
Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications, 15th International Conference, 2004

Report on the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Database Systems (SBBD 2002).
SIGMOD Rec., 2003

Conceptual modeling of XML schemas.
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM CIKM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2003), 2003

A Performance Comparison among the Traditional R-trees, the Hilbert R-tree and the SR-tree.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC 2003), 2003

Generating Mediation Queries for XML-based Data Integration Systems.
Proceedings of the XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados, 2003

Usando Critérios de Qualidade para Materialização Seletiva de Dados.
Proceedings of the XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados, 2003

Optimizing Access in a Data Integration System with Caching and Materialized Data.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2003, 2003

Managing the Evolution of Mediation Queries.
Proceedings of the On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE, 2003

Atualizando Informação Dinâmica na Web: o Caso do Conteúdo de Notícias.
RITA, 2002

Using agents for generation and maintenance of mediators.
J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 2002

Visual Querying in Geographic Information Systems.
Proceedings of the Visual and Multimedia Information Management, 2002

Using Correspondence Assertions for Specifying the Semantics of XML-Based Mediators.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web, 2001

Using Agents for Generation and Maintenance of Mediators in a Data Integration System on the Web.
Proceedings of the XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2001

GeoVisual Interface - A Visual Query Interface for Geographic Information Systems.
Proceedings of the XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2000

Investigando a Variação do Desempenho de Métodos de Acesso Multidimensionais em Função da Distribuição Espacial dos Dados.
Proceedings of the XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2000

Performance evaluation of multidimensional access methods.
Proceedings of the ACM-GIS 2000, 2000

A Metadata-Based Approach to Define a Standard to Visual Queries in GIS.
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'00), 2000

Guest Editorial.
Multim. Tools Appl., 1999

Key issues in the design of an asynchronous system to support meeting preparation.
Decis. Support Syst., 1999

BRight: A Distributed System for Web lnformation lndexing and Searching.
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1997

Digital Neighbourhoods: Partitioning the Web for Information Indexing and Searching.
Proceedings of the Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 1997

An alternative interface for multimedia service stations.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction, 1995

BR+: Modelo dinâmico de dados para um ambiente multimídia.
RITA, 1989
