Chinya V. Ravishankar

Orcid: 0000-0001-5735-9792

  • University of California, Riverside, USA

According to our database1, Chinya V. Ravishankar authored at least 97 papers between 1982 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Model Reuse in Learned Spatial Indexes.
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2024

Dwell Regions: Generalized Stay Regions for Streaming and Archival Trajectory Data.
ACM Trans. Spatial Algorithms Syst., June, 2023

Stochastic Route Planning for Electric Vehicles.
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, 2022

Tiering in Contraction and Edge Hierarchies for Stochastic Route Planning.
Proceedings of the SIGSPATIAL '21: 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2021

Inferring Insertion Times and Optimizing Error Penalties in Time-decaying Bloom Filters.
ACM Trans. Database Syst., 2019

The Phase Abstraction for Estimating Energy Consumption and Travel Times for Electric Vehicle Route Planning.
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2019

Indexing moving object trajectories with hilbert curves.
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2018

Spatiotemporal Queries on Road Networks, Coding Based Methods.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of GIS., 2017

Assembly Queries: Planning and Discovering Assemblies of Moving Objects Using Partial Information.
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2017

Key foisting and key stealing attacks in sensor networks.
Int. J. Sens. Networks, 2016

Hierarchical policy delegation in multiple-authority ABE.
Int. J. Inf. Comput. Secur., 2015

Tunably-Oblivious Memory: Generalizing ORAM to Enable Privacy-Efficiency Tradeoffs.
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, 2015

Combining ORAM with PIR to Minimize Bandwidth Costs.
Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, 2015

On masking topical intent in keyword search.
Proceedings of the IEEE 30th International Conference on Data Engineering, Chicago, 2014

Secure and efficient range queries on outsourced databases using Rp-trees.
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 2013

Inferential time-decaying Bloom filters.
Proceedings of the Joint 2013 EDBT/ICDT Conferences, 2013

Compromising privacy in precise query protocols.
Proceedings of the Joint 2013 EDBT/ICDT Conferences, 2013

Lower bounds for Arrangement-based Range-Free Localization in Sensor Networks
CoRR, 2012

Online Identification of Dwell Regions for Moving Objects.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2012

Foisting and Stealing of Keys in Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the Wireless Sensor Networks - 9th European Conference, 2012

Security Limitations of Using Secret Sharing for Data Outsourcing.
Proceedings of the Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXVI, 2012

A System for Discovering Regions of Interest from Trajectory Data.
Proceedings of the Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, 2011

Finding Regions of Interest from Trajectory Data.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2011

DHCP Origin Traceback.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Networking - 12th International Conference, 2011

Dealing with random and selective attacks in wireless sensor systems.
ACM Trans. Sens. Networks, 2010

Hash-Based Virtual Hierarchies for Scalable Location Service in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
Mob. Networks Appl., 2009

Spatio-temporal Queries on Road Networks, Coding Based Methods.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of GIS., 2008

Adaptive Broadcasting for Similarity Queries in Wireless Content Delivery Systems.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2008

Efficient data dissemination using locale covers.
Pervasive Mob. Comput., 2008

PERT: a new power-efficient real-time packet delivery scheme for sensor networks.
Int. J. Sens. Networks, 2008

iJoin: Importance-Aware Join Approximation over Data Streams.
Proceedings of the Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2008

Real-time, load-adaptive processing of continuous queries over data streams.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, 2008

Indexing Spatio-Temporal Trajectories with Efficient Polynomial Approximations.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2007

Supporting mobile device communications in the presence of broadcast servers.
Int. J. Sens. Networks, 2007

Uncertain spatial data handling: Modeling, indexing and query.
Comput. Geosci., 2007

Addressing Click Fraud in Content Delivery Systems.
Proceedings of the INFOCOM 2007. 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2007

Pointwise-Dense Region Queries in Spatio-temporal Databases.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 2007

OM: A Tunable Framework for Optimizing Continuous Queries over Data Streams.
Proceedings of the XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2006

A New Power-Efficient Scheme to Deliver Time-Sensitive Data in Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, 2006

Supporting Secure Communication and Data Collection in Mobile Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the INFOCOM 2006. 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2006

Decentralized Hash-Based Coordination of Distributed Multimedia Caches.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networking and the International Conference on Systems (ICN / ICONS / MCL 2006), 2006

Detecting MAC Layer Back-off Timer Violations in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2006), 2006

Dynamic Merkle Trees for Verifying Privileges in Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2006

Stochastically Consistent Caching and Dynamic Duty Cycling for Erratic Sensor Sources.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 2006

A framework for pursuit evasion games in R<sup>n</sup>.
Inf. Process. Lett., 2005

Efficient key establishment for group-based wireless sensor deployments.
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Workshop on Wireless Security, 2005

Client Assignment in Content Dissemination Networks for Dynamic Data.
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Trondheim, Norway, August 30, 2005

PA-Tree: A Parametric Indexing Scheme for Spatio-temporal Trajectories.
Proceedings of the Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, 9th International Symposium, 2005

Short Paper: GKE: Efficient Group-based Key Establishment for Large Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communications Networks, 2005

Segmented Broadcasting and Distributed Caching for Mobile Wireless Environments.
Proceedings of the Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, First International Conference, 2005

A fault localized scheme for false report filtering in sensor networks.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Services 2005, 2005

Layering Public Key Distribution Over Secure DNS using Authenticated Delegation.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2005), 2005

An Architecture for Inter-Domain Troubleshooting.
J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 2004

Stochastic Consistency, and Scalable Pull-Based Caching for Erratic Data Sources.
Proceedings of the (e)Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2004, Toronto, Canada, August 31, 2004

A Scalable Approach to Approximating Aggregate Queries over Intermittent Streams.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2004), 2004

Roads, Codes and Spatiotemporal Queries.
Proceedings of the Twenty-third ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, 2004

Efficient, Authenticated, and Fault-Tolerant Key Agreement for Dynamic Peer Groups.
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2004, 2004

Adaptive Data Broadcasting in Asymmetric Communication Environments.
Proceedings of the 8th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2004), 2004

Using vTree Indices for Queries over Objects with Complex Motions.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Data Engineering, 2004

The performance of difference coding for sets and relational tables.
J. ACM, 2003

Probabilistic Spatial Database Operations.
Proceedings of the Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, 8th International Symposium, 2003

Interactions Between TCP and the IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol.
Proceedings of the 3rd DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition (DISCEX-III 2003), 2003

Open Architecture Controller Software for Integration of Machine Tool Monitoring.
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1999

Constructive Protocol Specification Using Cicero.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1998

Using name-based mappings to increase hit rates.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 1998

The Design and Implementation of Seeded Trees: An Efficient Method for Spatial Joins.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 1998

Distributed Top-Down Hierarchy Construction.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '98, The Conference on Computer Communications, Seventeenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, Gateway to the 21st Century, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 29, 1998

Managing Metadata for Distributed Information Servers.
Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1998

Block-Oriented Compression Techniques for Large Statistical Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 1997

Distributed Center-Location Algorithms.
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 1997

Secure synthesis and activation of protocol translation agents.
Distributed Syst. Eng., 1997

URPC: A Toolkit for Prototyping Remote Procedure Calls.
Comput. J., 1996

Spatial Hash-Joins.
Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1996

Distributed Center-Location Algorithms: Proposals and Comparisons.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '96, 1996

Towards Eliminating Random I/O in Hash Joins.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering, February 26, 1996

Expected Deadlock Time in a Multiprocessing System.
J. ACM, 1995

Generating Seeded Trees from Data Sets.
Proceedings of the Advances in Spatial Databases, 1995

A Preliminary Study of Genetic Data Compression.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 1995

Relational Database Compression Using Augmented Vector Quantization.
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Data Engineering, 1995

Coterie Templates: A New Quorum Construction Method.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 30, 1995

Information Synthesis in Statistical Databases.
Proceedings of the CIKM '95, Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, November 28, 1995

Coping with Limited On-Board Memory and Communication Bandwidth in Mobile-Robot Systems.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst., 1994

Designing an Agent Synthesis System for Cross-RPC Communication.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1994

A Service Acquisition Mechanism for Server-Based Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 1994

A Physical Storage for Efficient Statistical Query Processing.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Working Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 1994

Spatial Joins Using Seeded Trees.
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1994

Linguistic Support for Controlling Protocol Execution.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1994

On-Line Detection and Resolution of Communication Deadlocks.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-27), 1994

A Tuple Model for Summary Data Management .
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Management of Data, 1994

On Optimal Processor Allocation to Support Pipelined Hash Joins.
Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1993

An Algebraic Approach to Modeling in Software Engineering.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST '93), 1993

Monitoring and Debugging Distributed Real-time Programs.
Softw. Pract. Exp., 1992

A concurrency control protocol for nested transactions.
Proceedings of the 1992 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1992

A service acquisition mechanism for the client/service model in Cygnus.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 1991), 1991

Name space models for locating services.
Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1991

A service acquisition mechanism for the client/service model in cygnus.
Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1991

VLSI Considerations that Influence Data Flow Architecture.
Proceedings of the COMPCON'82, 1982
