Collin Jackson

According to our database1, Collin Jackson authored at least 30 papers between 2005 and 2014.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




An Experimental Study of TLS Forward Secrecy Deployments.
IEEE Internet Comput., 2014

Password Managers: Attacks and Defenses.
Proceedings of the 23rd USENIX Security Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, August 20-22, 2014., 2014

All Your Screens Are Belong to Us: Attacks Exploiting the HTML5 Screen Sharing API.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2014

Analyzing Forged SSL Certificates in the Wild.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2014

Automated Password Extraction Attack on Modern Password Managers.
CoRR, 2013

Accountable key infrastructure (AKI): a proposal for a public-key validation infrastructure.
Proceedings of the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference, 2013

Cross-origin pixel stealing: timing attacks using CSS filters.
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2013

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).
RFC, November, 2012

Practical end-to-end web content integrity.
Proceedings of the 21st World Wide Web Conference 2012, 2012

Clickjacking: Attacks and Defenses.
Proceedings of the 21th USENIX Security Symposium, Bellevue, WA, USA, August 8-10, 2012, 2012

The Case for Prefetching and Prevalidating TLS Server Certificates.
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 2012

Web 2.0 Security and Privacy.
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2nd Ed., 2011

I Still Know What You Visited Last Summer: Leaking Browsing History via User Interaction and Side Channel Attacks.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2011

App isolation: get the security of multiple browsers with just one.
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2011

Regular expressions considered harmful in client-side XSS filters.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2010

An Analysis of Private Browsing Modes in Modern Browsers.
Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Security Symposium, 2010

Protecting browsers from cross-origin CSS attacks.
Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2010

Improving browser security policies.
PhD thesis, 2009

Protecting browsers from DNS rebinding attacks.
ACM Trans. Web, 2009

Securing frame communication in browsers.
Commun. ACM, 2009

Rootkits for JavaScript Environments.
Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies, 2009

Forcehttps: protecting high-security web sites from network attacks.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2008

Robust defenses for cross-site request forgery.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2008

Subspace: secure cross-domain communication for web mashups.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2007

Transaction Generators: Root Kits for Web.
Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security, 2007

Protection and communication abstractions for web browsers in MashupOS.
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2007, 2007

MashupOS: Operating System Abstractions for Client Mashups.
Proceedings of HotOS'07: 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 2007

An Evaluation of Extended Validation and Picture-in-Picture Phishing Attacks.
Proceedings of the Financial Cryptography and Data Security, 2007

Protecting browser state from web privacy attacks.
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, 2006

Stronger Password Authentication Using Browser Extensions.
Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Security Symposium, Baltimore, MD, USA, July 31, 2005
