Daniel Link

  • University of Southern California, USA

According to our database1, Daniel Link authored at least 14 papers between 2013 and 2021.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Study of the Utility of Text Classification Based Software Architecture Recovery Method RELAX for Maintenance.
Proceedings of the ESEM '21: ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2021

How Should Developers Respond to App Reviews? Features Predicting the Success of Developer Responses.
Proceedings of the EASE 2021: Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, 2021

On Building an Automatic Identification of Country-Specific Feature Requests in Mobile App Reviews: Possibilities and Challenges.
Proceedings of the ICSE '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Workshops, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 27 June, 2020

Learning Features that Predict Developer Responses for iOS App Store Reviews.
Proceedings of the ESEM '20: ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2020

How features in iOS App Store Reviews can Predict Developer Responses.
Proceedings of the EASE '20: Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, 2020

Recover and RELAX: concern-oriented software architecture recovery for systems development and maintenance.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and System Processes, 2019

The Value of Software Architecture Recovery for Maintenance.
Proceedings of the 12th Innovations on Software Engineering Conference (formerly known as India Software Engineering Conference), 2019

An Empirical Study of Architectural Decay in Open-Source Software.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture, 2018

A large-scale study of architectural evolution in open-source software systems.
Empir. Softw. Eng., 2017

An Empirical Study of Architectural Change in Open-Source Software Systems.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2015

Software domains in incremental development productivity decline.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Systems Process 2014, 2014

COCOMO II parameters and IDPD: bilateral relevances.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Systems Process 2014, 2014

Incremental development productivity decline.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering, 2013

Lehman's Laws and the Productivity of Increments: Implications for Productivity.
Proceedings of the 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2013
