Francesco Beretta
According to our database1,
Francesco Beretta
authored at least 12 papers
between 2012 and 2024.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences (SDHSS): an Ecosystem of CIDOC CRM Extensions for Research Data Production and Reuse.
CoRR, 2024
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2023
HISB vorgestellt: Eine virtuelle Arbeitsumgebung für die akademische Forschung wie auch die Digitalisierung von strukturierten Informationen aus Archivalien. Eine Anwendung der virtuellen Forschungsplattform Geovistory.
Proceedings of the 8. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2022
A challenge for historical research: Making data FAIR using a collaborative ontology management environment (OntoME).
Semantic Web, 2021
Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium on Research on Online Databases in History co-located with 3rd Data for History Workshop, 2019
Kollaborative Forschung über Linked Open Data Forschungsdatenbanken der Universitätsgeschichte. Implementierung des Heloise Common Research Model.
Proceedings of the 4. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2017
Deux Projets D'Édition Numérique Dans Le Cadre Du Projet SyMoGIH: Le Journal De Léonard Michon Et Les Actes Des Synodes Des Églises Réformées De Bourgogne.
Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2016
Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2016
From Index Cards to a Digital Information System: Teaching Data Modeling to Master's Students in History.
Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2016
The SyMoGIH project: Sharing and publishing historical and geographical data in a standard, open and interoperable way.
Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2014
SyMoGIH project and Geo-Larhra: A method and a collaborative platform for a digital historical atlas.
Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2014
Le Système modulaire de gestion de l'information historique (SyMoGIH): une plateforme collaborative et cumulative de stockage et d'exploitation de l'information géo-historique.
Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2012