Jen-Chuen Hsieh
Orcid: 0000-0002-7568-000X
According to our database1,
Jen-Chuen Hsieh
authored at least 33 papers
between 2002 and 2022.
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Online presence:
MEG-based Classification and Grad-CAM Visualization for Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorders with Semi-CNN.
Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2022
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2021
Unravelling the Spatio-Temporal Neurodynamics of Rhythm Encoding-reproduction Networks by a Novel fMRI Autoencoder.
Proceedings of the 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2019
Altered Brain Complexity in Women with Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Resting-State Magneto-Encephalography Study Using Multiscale Entropy Analysis.
Entropy, 2017
Corrigendum to "fMRI hemodynamics accurately reflects neuronal timing in the human brain measured by MEG" [Neuroimage 78 (2013) 372-384].
NeuroImage, 2014
Decoding and encoding of visual patterns using magnetoencephalographic data represented in manifolds.
NeuroImage, 2014
fMRI hemodynamics accurately reflects neuronal timing in the human brain measured by MEG.
NeuroImage, 2013
Neuromagnetic index of hemispheric asymmetry predicting long-term outcome in sudden hearing loss.
NeuroImage, 2013
Cortico-striatal disconnection within the cingulo-opercular network in schizophrenia revealed by intrinsic functional connectivity analysis: A resting fMRI study.
NeuroImage, 2012
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2011
A hybrid strategy to integrate surface-based and mutual-information-based methods for co-registering brain SPECT and MR images.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput., 2011
Structural and cognitive deficits in remitting and non-remitting recurrent depression: A voxel-based morphometric study.
NeuroImage, 2010
NeuroImage, 2010
NeuroImage, 2009
NeuroImage, 2008
Classification of hemodynamics from dynamic-susceptibility-contrast magnetic resonance (DSC-MR) brain images using noiseless independent factor analysis.
Medical Image Anal., 2007
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2006
Classification of Hemodynamics from Perfusion MR Brain Images using Noiseless Independent Factor Analysis.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, 2006
Neuronal correlates of consistency and frequency effects on Chinese character naming: an event-related fMRI study.
NeuroImage, 2004
NeuroImage, 2004
Segmentation of Hemodynamics from Dynamic-Susceptibility-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Brain Images Using Sequential Independent Component Analysis.
Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, 2004
Recognition of Motor Imagery Electroencephalography Using Independent Component Analysis and Machine Classifiers.
Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, 2004
Pattern Recognit., 2003
Magnetoencephalographic yield of interictal spikes in temporal lobe epilepsy: Comparison with scalp EEG recordings.
NeuroImage, 2003
MEG localization of rolandic spikes with respect to SI and SII cortices in benign rolandic epilepsy.
NeuroImage, 2003
Differential effects of stimulus intensity on peripheral and neuromagnetic cortical responses to median nerve stimulation.
NeuroImage, 2003
ICA-based spatiotemporal approach for single-trial analysis of postmovement MEG beta synchronization☆.
NeuroImage, 2003
Frequency effects of Chinese character processing in the brain: an event-related fMRI study.
NeuroImage, 2003
Classifying hemodynamics of MR brain perfusion images using independent component analysis (ICA).
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2003
Single-trial analysis of post-movement MEG beta synchronization using independent component analysis (ICA).
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2003
Event-Related Functional MRI Study on Central Representation of Acute Muscle Pain Induced by Electrical Stimulation.
NeuroImage, 2002