John Power

Orcid: 0000-0002-3816-8509

  • University of Bath, UK
  • University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (former)

According to our database1, John Power authored at least 112 papers between 1989 and 2022.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Benchmarking collective effects of electron interactions in a wiggler with OPAL-FEL.
Comput. Phys. Commun., 2022

An enriched view on the extended finitary monad-Lawvere theory correspondence.
Log. Methods Comput. Sci., 2018

Logic programming: Laxness and saturation.
J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program., 2018

Higher Dimensional Categories: Induction on Extensivity.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2018

Coalgebraic logic programming: from Semantics to Implementation.
J. Log. Comput., 2016

Category Theoretic Semantics for Theorem Proving in Logic Programming: Embracing the Laxness.
Proceedings of the Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2016

Category theoretic structure of setoids.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2014

Proceedings of the Workshop on Algebra, Coalgebra and Topology, 2013

A Graphical Foundation for Schedules.
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2012

Category Theoretic Understandings of Universal Algebra and its Dual: Monads and Lawvere Theories, Comonads and What?
Proceedings of the 28th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2012

Unicity of Enrichment over Cat or Gpd.
Appl. Categorical Struct., 2011

Coalgebraic Derivations in Logic Programming.
Proceedings of the Computer Science Logic, 2011

Coalgebraic Semantics for Derivations in Logic Programming.
Proceedings of the Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, 2011

Space-Based FPGA Radio Receiver Design, Debug, and Development of a Radiation-Tolerant Computing System.
Int. J. Reconfigurable Comput., 2010

Modelling Local Variables: Possible Worlds and Object Spaces.
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2010

Coalgebraic Semantics for Parallel Derivation Strategies in Logic Programming.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 2010

Gabriel-Ulmer duality and Lawvere theories enriched over a general base.
J. Funct. Program., 2009

High Efficiency Space-Based Software Radio Architectures: A Minimum Size, Weight, and Power TeraOps Processor.
Proceedings of the ReConFig'09: 2009 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, 2009

Category Theoretic Semantics for Typed Binding Signatures with Recursion.
Fundam. Informaticae, 2008

Tensors of Comodels and Models for Operational Semantics.
Proceedings of the 24th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2008

Level design optimization guidelines for game artists using the epic games: Unreal editor and unreal engine 2.
Comput. Entertain., 2008

Fibrational Semantics for Many-Valued Logic Programs: Grounds for Non-Groundness.
Proceedings of the Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th European Conference, 2008

Combining algebraic effects with continuations.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2007

Abstract Syntax: Substitution and Binders: Invited Address.
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2007

The Category Theoretic Understanding of Universal Algebra: Lawvere Theories and Monads.
Proceedings of the Computation, Meaning, and Logic: Articles dedicated to Gordon Plotkin, 2007

Generic models for computational effects.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2006

Combining effects: Sum and tensor.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2006

Discrete Lawvere theories and computational effects.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2006

A Unified Category-theoretic Semantics for Binding Signatures in Substructural Logics.
J. Log. Comput., 2006

Pseudo-distributive laws and axiomatics for variable binding.
High. Order Symb. Comput., 2006

Coalgebraic semantics for timed processes.
Inf. Comput., 2006

Axiomatics for Data Refinement in Call by Value Programming Languages.
Proceedings of the Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2006

Semantics for Local Computational Effects.
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2006

Category Theoretic Models of Data Refinement.
Proceedings of the Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2006

Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2006

The Universal Algebra of Computational Effects: Lawvere Theories and Monads.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming, 2006

Hiproofs: A Hierarchical Notion of Proof Tree.
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2005

Binding Signatures for Generic Contexts.
Proceedings of the Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 7th International Conference, 2005

A unified category-theoretic formulation of typed binding signatures.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2005

Discrete Lawvere Theories.
Proceedings of the Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science: First International Conference, 2005

Category theory for operational semantics.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2004

From Comodels to Coalgebras: State and Arrays.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2004

Countable Lawvere Theories and Computational Effects.
Proceedings of the Third Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2004

Modularity of Behaviours for Mathematical Operational Semantics.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2004

A Category Theoretic Formulation for Engeler-style Models of the Untyped lambda.
Proceedings of the Third Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2004

Canonical Models for Computational Effects.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, 2004

Dualising Initial Algebras.
Math. Struct. Comput. Sci., 2003

Modelling environments in call-by-value programming languages.
Inf. Comput., 2003

Towards a theory of mathematical operational semantics.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2003

Symmetric Monoidal Sketches and Categories of Wirings.
Proceedings of the Combined Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Categorical Methods for Concurrency, 2003

Algebraic Operations and Generic Effects.
Appl. Categorical Struct., 2003

A Universal Embedding for the Higher Order Structure of Computational Effects.
Proceedings of the Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 6th International Conference, 2003

Pseudo-distributive Laws.
Proceedings of 19th Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2003

Logic for Computational Effects: Work in Progress.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Formal Methods, 2003

A unified category theoretic approach to variable binding.
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2003

Abstraction in Reasoning about Higraph-Based Systems.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, 2003

Combining a monad and a comonad.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2002

Fixpoint operators for domain equations.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2002

Premonoidal categories as categories with algebraic structure.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2002

On the Geometric Modelling of Visual Languages.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques, 2002

Computational Effects and Operations: An Overview.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Domains VI 2002, Birmingham, UK, September 16-19, 2002, 2002

Zooming-out on Higraph-based diagrams - Syntactic and Semantic Issues.
Proceedings of the Computing: the Australasian Theory Symposium, 2002

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar studies of Alaska volcanoes.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002

Combining Computational Effects: commutativity & sum.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Information Technology in the Era of Networking and Mobile Computing, 2002

Notions of Computation Determine Monads.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, 2002

On the structure of categories of coalgebras.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2001

An Algebraic Foundation for Graph-based Diagrams in Computing.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2001

Semantics for Algebraic Operations.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2001

Two-dimensional linear algebra.
Proceedings of the Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2001

Pseudo-commutative Monads.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 2001

Algebras, Coalgebras, Monads and Comonads.
Proceedings of the Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2001

Reasoning in Higraphs with Loose Edges.
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE CS International Symposium on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC 2001), 2001

Adequacy for Algebraic Effects.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, 2001

An Algebraic Foundation for Higraphs.
Proceedings of the Computer Science Logic, 15th International Workshop, 2001

Models for the computational lambda-calculus.
Proceedings of the First Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2000

Distributivity for endofunctors, pointed and co-pointed endofunctors, monads and comonads.
Proceedings of the Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 2000

Data Refinement and Algebraic Structure.
Acta Informatica, 2000

Logical relations, data abstraction, and structured fibrations.
Proceedings of the 2nd international ACM SIGPLAN conference on on Principles and practice of declarative programming, 2000

Symmetric monoidal sketches.
Proceedings of the 2nd international ACM SIGPLAN conference on on Principles and practice of declarative programming, 2000

Lax Logical Relations.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages and Programming, 27th International Colloquium, 2000

Logical Relations and Data Abstraction.
Proceedings of the Computer Science Logic, 2000

A Coalgebraic Foundation for Linear Time Semantics.
Proceedings of the Conference on Category Theory and Computer Science, 1999

Syntactic Control of Interference Revisited.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1999

Theor. Comput. Sci., 1999

Distributivity for a monad and a comonad.
Proceedings of the Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 1999

Modularity and Dyads.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Progamming Semantics, 1999

A General Completeness Result in Refinement.
Proceedings of the Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 1999

Closed Freyd- and kappa-categories.
Proceedings of the Automata, 1999

Data-Refinement for Call-By-Value Programming Languages.
Proceedings of the Computer Science Logic, 13th International Workshop, 1999

An axiomatics for categories of coalgebras.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, 1998

An Axiomatics for Categories of Transition Systems as Coalgebras.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 1998

Higher Dimensional Multigraphs.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 1998

A Modular Approach to Denotational Semantics.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages and Programming, 25th International Colloquium, 1998

A Categorical Axiomatics for Bisimulation.
Proceedings of the CONCUR '98: Concurrency Theory, 1998

A Representable Approach to Finite Nondeterminism.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1997

Premonoidal Categories and Notions of Computation.
Math. Struct. Comput. Sci., 1997

Modularity in denotational semantics.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Progamming Semantics, 1997

Sketches - Dedicated to Michael Barr on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Progamming Semantics, 1997

Environments, Continuation Semantics and Indexed Categories.
Proceedings of the Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, Third International Symposium, 1997

An Axiomatic Approach to Binary Logical Relations with Applications to Data Refinement.
Proceedings of the Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, Third International Symposium, 1997

Complete Cuboidal Sets in Axiomatic Domain Theory.
Proceedings of the Proceedings, 12th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Warsaw, Poland, June 29, 1997

Categories with Algebraic Structure.
Proceedings of the Computer Science Logic, 11th International Workshop, 1997

A Fibrational Semantics for Logic Programs.
Proceedings of the Extensions of Logic Programming, 5th International Workshop, 1996

Elementary Control Structures.
Proceedings of the CONCUR '96, 1996

Why Tricategories?
Inf. Comput., August, 1995

Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 1995

Control Structures
Proceedings of the Proceedings, 1995

Fibrational Control Structures.
Proceedings of the CONCUR '95: Concurrency Theory, 1995

A Formalism for the Specification of Essentially Algebraic Structures in 2-Categories.
Math. Struct. Comput. Sci., 1992

A Notion of Map between Logic Programs.
Proceedings of the Logic Programming, 1990

An Algebraic Formulation for Data Refinement.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, 5th International Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 29, 1989

An Abstract Formulation for Rewrite Systems.
Proceedings of the Category Theory and Computer Science, 1989
