Julien Ridoux

According to our database1, Julien Ridoux authored at least 17 papers between 2005 and 2015.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


SDN based network access controller: A first milestone.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Network of the Future, 2015

Mutualized OpenFlow architecture for network access management.
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, 2014

The Case for Feed-Forward Clock Synchronization.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 2012

Survey of Network Metrology Platforms.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 2012

Principles of robust timing over the internet.
Commun. ACM, 2010

Virtualize Everything but Time.
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2010

Robust synchronization of absolute and difference clocks over networks.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 2009

Ten Microseconds Over LAN, for Free (Extended).
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2009

Using LiTGen, a realistic IP traffic model, to evaluate the impact of burstiness on performance.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, 2008

A Methodology for Clock Benchmarking.
Proceedings of the 3rd International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, 2007

LiTGen, a Lightweight Traffic Generator: Application to P2P and Mail Wireless Traffic.
Proceedings of the Passive and Active Network Measurement, 8th Internatinoal Conference, 2007

Catching IP Traffic Burstiness with a Lightweight Generator.
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2007. Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, 2007

Performance of Taroko: a cluster-based addressing and routing scheme for self-organized networks.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2006

Seeing the Difference in IP Traffic: Wireless Versus Wireline.
Proceedings of the INFOCOM 2006. 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2006

Trellis-Based Virtual Regular Addressing Structures in Self-organized Networks.
Proceedings of the NETWORKING 2005: Networking Technologies, 2005

Virtual Trellis Routing - How Regular Structures can ease Network Operations.
Proceedings of the Challenges in Ad Hoc Networking, 2005

Definition and evaluation of a trellis structure for self-organized networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, 2005
