Pascal Berthomé

According to our database1, Pascal Berthomé authored at least 40 papers between 1992 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Systematic literature review: References extraction helper and automatic analysis.
Softw. Impacts, 2024

Continuous learning: a feasible solution for continuous authentication using PPG?
Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, 2024

Secure key distribution in heterogeneous interoperable industrial Internet of Things.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2021

Parametric analysis on cut-trees and its application on a protein clustering problem.
Central Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2020

An Enrolment Gateway for Data Security in Heterogeneous Industrial Internet of Things.
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, 2020

Formally verified software countermeasures for control-flow integrity of smart card C code.
Comput. Secur., 2019

Teaching Android Mobile Security.
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019

A Cloud Brokerage Solution: Formal Methods Meet Security in Cloud Federations.
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2018

A Practical Set-Membership Proof for Privacy-Preserving NFC Mobile Ticketing.
Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol., 2015

Cloud Resources Placement based on Functional and Non-functional Requirements.
Proceedings of the SECRYPT 2015, 2015

A Pseudo-Random Bit Generator Based on Three Chaotic Logistic Maps and IEEE 754-2008 Floating-Point Arithmetic.
Proceedings of the Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 2014

Software Countermeasures for Control Flow Integrity of Smart Card C Codes.
Proceedings of the Computer Security - ESORICS 2014, 2014

Implementation of exponential and parametrized algorithms in the AGAPE project
CoRR, 2012

High Level Model of Control Flow Attacks for Smart Card Functional Security.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Availability, 2012

Repackaging Android Applications for Auditing Access to Private Data.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Availability, 2012

Sensitivity analysis on the all pairs <i>q</i>-route flows in a network.
Int. Trans. Oper. Res., 2010

Attack model for verification of interval security properties for smart card C codes.
Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security, 2010

Mixing Convergence and Deflection Strategies for Packet Routing in All-Optical Networks.
JOCN, 2009

Impact of a varying capacity on the all pairs 2-route network flows.
Electron. Notes Discret. Math., 2009

An Elementary Chromatic Reduction for Gain Graphs and Special Hyperplane Arrangements.
Electron. J. Comb., 2009

Revisiting parametric multi-terminal problems: Maximum flows, minimum cuts and cut-tree computations.
Discret. Optim., 2006

Contribution à l'algorithmique des graphes: quelques représentations pertinentes de graphes. (Contribution to graph algorithm: some useful graphs' representations).
, 2006

The Complexity of the Maximal Requests Satisfaction Problem in Multipoint Communication.
Parallel Process. Lett., 2005

Detecting flows congesting a target network link.
Electron. Notes Discret. Math., 2005

Computation of Chromatic Polynomials Using Triangulations and Clique Trees.
Proceedings of the Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 2005

Periodic Gossiping in Commuted Networks.
Theory Comput. Syst., 2004

The Eulerian Stretch Of A Network Topology And The Ending Guarantee Of A Convergence Routing.
J. Interconnect. Networks, 2004

Generalized Parametric Multi-terminal Flows Problem.
Proceedings of the Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 2003

A Mixed Deflection and Convergence Routing Algorithm: Design and Performance.
Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2002, 2002

Self-Simulation for the Passive Optical Star.
J. Algorithms, 2000

Sorting-Based Selection Algorithms for Hypercubic Networks.
Algorithmica, 2000

Communication Issues in Parallel Systems with Optical Interconnections.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 1997

Embedding Tori in Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks.
Proceedings of the SIROCCO'97, 1997

Optimal Information Dissemination in Star and Pancake Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 1996

Self-Simulation for the Passive Optical Star Model.
Proceedings of the Algorithms, 1995

Time-optimal Geometric Algorithms in Hypercubic Networks.
Parallel Algorithms Appl., 1994

On broadcasting schemes in restricted optical passive star systems.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Interconnection Networks and Mapping and Scheduling Parallel Computations, 1994

Sorting-Based Selection Algorithms for Hypercube Networks.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Parallel Processing Symposium, 1993

Efficient K-Selection in Hypercube Multiprocessors.
Parallel Process. Lett., 1992

K-Selection in Hypercubes.
Proceedings of the Computing and Information, 1992
