Steen Andreassen

Orcid: 0000-0001-5379-7373

According to our database1, Steen Andreassen authored at least 50 papers between 1986 and 2022.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Computer clinical decision support that automates personalized clinical care: a challenging but needed healthcare delivery strategy.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2022

Enabling a learning healthcare system with automated computer protocols that produce replicable and personalized clinician actions.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2021

An in silico method to identify computer-based protocols worthy of clinical study: An insulin infusion protocol use case.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2016

Stability of the insulin-glucose feedback loop in Glucosafe: A comparison of pancreas models.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2015

Interpretative reading of the antibiogram - a semi-naïve Bayesian approach.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2015

Evaluating modifications to the Glucosafe decision support system for tight glycemic control in the ICU using virtual patients.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2014

Model-based measurement of gas exchange in healthy subjects using ALPE essential - influence of age, posture and gender.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013

Retrospective evaluation of a decision support system for controlled mechanical ventilation.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput., 2012

A model of ventilation of the healthy human lung.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2011

Modelling and control in biomedical systems.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2011

Introduction for special issue "Cardio-Pulmonary Modelling".
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2011

Tidal breathing model describing end-tidal, alveolar, arterial and mixed venous CO<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>2</sub>.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2011

A model of perfusion of the healthy human lung.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2011

Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2011

Extended selected papers from the 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (MCBMS'09).
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2011

The Intelligent Ventilator Project: Application of Physiological Models in Decision Support.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2011

A simulation model of insulin saturation and glucose balance for glycemic control in ICU patients.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2010

A glucose-insulin pharmacodynamic surface modeling validation and comparison of metabolic system models.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2009

Steps on the Road to Clinical Application of Decision Support - Example TREAT.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2009

Model-based identification of PEEP titrations during different volemic levels.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2008

Prediction of hemodynamic changes towards PEEP titrations at different volemic levels using a minimal cardiovascular model.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2008

Generic causal probabilistic networks: A solution to a problem of transferability in medical decision support.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2008

A decision support system for suggesting ventilator settings: Retrospective evaluation in cardiac surgery patients ventilated in the ICU.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2008

Simulation of cardiovascular system diseases by including the autonomic nervous system into a minimal model.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2007

A stochastic model of susceptibility to antibiotic therapy - The effects of cross-resistance and treatment history.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2007

A method for calculation of arterial acid-base and blood gas status from measurements in the peripheral venous blood.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2006

Decision support of inspired oxygen selection based on Bayesian learning of pulmonary gas exchange parameters.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2005

Modularizing inference in large causal probabilistic networks.
Int. J. Intell. Syst., 2003

Bayesian Learning of the Gas Exchange Properties of the Lung for Prediction of Arterial Oxygen Saturation.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2003

Hierarchical Dirichlét Learning - Filling in the Thin Spots in a Database.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2003

Computers in Diabetes 2000.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2002

A method for diagnosing multiple diseases in MUNIN.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2001

Diagnosing Patient State in Intensive Care Patients Using the Intelligent Ventilator (INVENT) System.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Medicine, 2001

Improving the Diagnostic Performance of MUNIN by Remodelling of the Diseases.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Medicine, 2001

A Causal Probabilistic Network for Optimal Treatment of Bacterial Infections.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2000

Computers in diabetes - an introduction.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2000

A model of the endogenous glucose balance incorporating the characteristics of glucose transporters.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2000

Dynamic updating in DIAS-NIDDM and DIAS causal probabilistic networks.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 1999

Using probabilistic and decision-theoretic methods in treatment and prognosis modeling.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 1999

A Decision Theoretic Approach to Empirical Treatment of Bacteraemia Originating from the Urinary Tract.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making, 1999

A Method for Diagnosing in Large Medical Expert Systems Based on Causal Probabilistic Networks.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Medicine, 1997

Dynamic Propagation in Causal Probabilistic Networks with Instantiated Variables.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Medicine, 1995

Specification of models in large expert systems based on causal probabilistic networks.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 1993

Causal Probabilistic Network Modeling - An Illustration of its Role in the Management of Chronic Diseases.
IBM Syst. J., 1992

Planning of therapy and tests in causal probabilistic networks.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 1992

A Validation Methodology for Testing Decision-Support Systems for Insulin Dosage Adjustment.
Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe 1991, 1991

A Model-Based Approach to Insulin Adjustment.
Proceedings of the AIME 91, 1991

A munin network for the median nerve - a case study on loops.
Appl. Artif. Intell., 1989

MUNIN - A Causal Probabilistic Network for Interpretation of Electromyographic Findings.
Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Milan, 1987

Knowledge Representations for Diagnosis and Test Planning in the Domain of Electromyography.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence II, 1986
