Kevin Grant

According to our database1, Kevin Grant authored at least 37 papers between 2000 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 





Research and development spending and technical efficiency: evidence from biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector.
Int. J. Prod. Res., 2020

Origin and emergence of entrepreneurship as a research field.
Scientometrics, 2014

Triple Helix indicators as an emergent area of enquiry: a bibliometric perspective.
Scientometrics, 2014

'Risky business': Perceptions of e-business risk by UK small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2014

Capturing and measuring technology based service innovation-A case analysis within theory and practice.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2013

Big TAM in Oman: Exploring the promise of on-line banking, its adoption by customers and the challenges of banking in Oman.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2012

Efficient indexing methods for recursive decompositions of Bayesian networks.
Int. J. Approx. Reason., 2012

Exploiting the Probability of Observation for Efficient Bayesian Network Inference.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2012

Special section - Uncertain reasoning track FLAIRS 2009.
Int. J. Approx. Reason., 2011

Preface: Special Issue on Uncertain Reasoning.
J. Autom. Reason., 2010

Aligning IT/IS with Business Strategy Re-Visited: A View from Complex Adaptive Systems.
Int. J. IT Bus. Alignment Gov., 2010

Informing UK Information Management pedagogic practice: The nature of contemporary higher education culture.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2010

Reese, 2009 - Cloud Application Architectures, G. Reese. O'Reilly Publisher (2009).
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2010

On the Structure of Elimination Trees for Bayesian Network Inference.
Proceedings of the Advances in Soft Computing, 2010

Efficient Indexing for Recursive Conditioning Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2010

Methods for constructing balanced elimination trees and other recursive decompositions.
Int. J. Approx. Reason., 2009

Improving Relation Extraction by Exploiting Properties of the Target Relation.
Proceedings of the Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2009

Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2009

Extending the dimensionality of flatland with attribute view probabilistic models.
Proceedings of the Visualization and Data Analysis 2008, 2008

Stylized black and white images from photographs.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, 2008

Combining heuristic and landmark search for path planning.
Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play: Research, Play, Share, 2008

'Academic Capitalism': Universities' Consultancy Agendas.
Proceedings of the Learning from the past & charting the future of the discipline. 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2008

Factors affecting the adoption of Internet Banking in Hong Kong - implications for the banking sector.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2007

Efficient Caching in Elimination Trees.
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2007

Jamshid Gharajedaghi, Systems Thinking. Managing Chaos and Complexity: A Platform for Designing Business Architecture, second ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, San Diego (2006) (368pp., ISBN: 0-7506-7973-5, £21.99).
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2006

Exploiting Dynamic Independence in a Static Conditioning Graph.
Proceedings of the Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2006

Advances in Electronic Marketing, Irvine Clarke III, Flaherty Theresa (Eds.). Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA (2005), ISBN: 1-59140-322-7.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2005

Conditioning Graphs: Practical Structures for Inference in Bayesian Networks.
Proceedings of the AI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2005

Special section.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2004

Digital imaging: a practical approach: Jill Marie Koelling; AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 2004, 85pp, price £18.95, ISBN: 0-7591-0446-8.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2004

Database processing: Fundamentals, design and implementation (International Edition), 9th Edition: David M. Kroenke, Pearson, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004, 702pp., price £42.99, ISBN: 0-13-120971-X.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2004

An Investigation into Issues Influencing the Use of the Internet and Electronic Commerce among Small-Medium Sized Enterprises.
J. Electron. Commer. Res., 2003

Managing information, 3rd edition: David A. Wilson; Butterworth-Heinemann, Stoneham, MA, May 2002, 280pp., price £18.99, ISBN 0-75065-621-2.
Int. J. Inf. Manag., 2003

A family of ASIC devices for next generation distributed packet switches with QoS support for IP and ATM.
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on High Performance Interconnects, 2001

Teaching Information Management to Honors Degree Students: The Information Challenges Approach.
Informing Sci. Int. J. an Emerg. Transdiscipl., 2000

Panel: Educating Future IS Researchers.
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Information Systems, 2000
