Marc Schmidt

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


The Method Radar: a way to organize methods for technology development with participation in mind.
i-com, December, 2023

Patterns for visual programming: With a focus on flow-based programming inspired systems.
Proceedings of the EuroPLoP'21: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2021, Graz, Austria, July 7, 2021

Probe Kits für partizipative User Research und Needs Assessments bei Jugendlichen in der Erziehungshilfe.
Proceedings of the Mensch und Computer 2020 - Workshopband, 2020

Distributed Decision-Making Based on Shared Knowledge in the Multi-Agent Programming Contest.
Proceedings of the Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2018, 2018

Efficiently solving DSM problems: Are we there yet?
Comput. Sci. Res. Dev., 2018

Using vehicle-to-grid concepts to balance redispatch needs: A case study in Germany.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems, 2018

Effects of Pre-negotiation Behavior on the Subsequent Episode.
Proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation. A Socio-Technical Perspective, 2017

Conception of Technology Chains in Battery Production.
Proceedings of the Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains, 2013

Unified Service Level Monitoring using CIM.
Proceedings of the 7th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2003), 2003
