Paul Landais

According to our database1, Paul Landais authored at least 29 papers between 2003 and 2021.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Prediction of In-Hospital Mortality from Administrative Data: A Sequential Pattern Mining Approach.
Proceedings of the Public Health and Informatics, 2021

Regional Professionals Network to Support the Renal Epidemiology and Information Registry in Ile-de-France.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 2019

PaFloChar: An Innovating Approach to Characterise Patient Flows in Myocardial Infarction.
Proceedings of the Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created eHealth, 2018

Patient healthcare trajectory. An essential monitoring tool: a systematic review.
Health Inf. Sci. Syst., 2017

Infarctus du myocarde : quelles sont les trajectoires de soins pronostiques du décès à l'hôpital?
Proceedings of the IC 2017 : 28es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (Proceedings of the 28th French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2017

Impact of a computerized provider radiography order entry system without clinical decision support on emergency department medical imaging requests.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2016

Extraire semi-automatiquement des connaissances dans la littérature biomédicale.
Proceedings of the IC 2016 : 27es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (Proceedings of the 27th French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2016

A methodology for a minimum data set for rare diseases to support national centers of excellence for healthcare and research.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 2015

Visualisation interactive de trajectoires de patients.
Proceedings of the IC 2015 : 26es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (Proceedings of the 26th French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2015

Towards data integration automation for the French rare disease registry.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2015, 2015

LORD: a phenotype-genotype semantically integrated biomedical data tool to support rare disease diagnosis coding in health information systems.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2015, 2015

Patient Information, Consentsand Privacy Protection Scheme for an Information System Dedicated to Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Proceedings of the e-Health - For Continuity of Care - Proceedings of MIE2014, the 25th European Medical Informatics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, August 31, 2014

Formalizing Mappings to Optimize Automated Schema Alignment: Application to Rare Diseases.
Proceedings of the e-Health - For Continuity of Care - Proceedings of MIE2014, the 25th European Medical Informatics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, August 31, 2014

Un outil de visualisation de classifications et d'intégration de données phénotypiques et génétiques pour faciliter le codage des maladies rares.
Proceedings of the Actes des / Proceedings of 15es Journées francophones d'informatique médicale co-organisées avec / co-located with 2e Congrès National d'Informatique Médicale (CNIM 2014), 2014

TEDIS, Pervasive Developmental Disorder' patients Information System, Preliminary results.
Proceedings of the Quality of Life through Quality of Information, 2012

Implementation and Experimentation of TEDIS: An Information System Dedicated to Patients with Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Proceedings of the User Centered Networked Health Care - Proceedings of MIE 2011, 2011

TEDIS: an Information System Dedicated to Patients with Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2010, 2010

Equity of Accessibility to Dialysis Facilities.
Proceedings of the Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe - Proceedings of MIE 2009, The XXIInd International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, August 30, 2009

An XML Schema for Automated Data Integration in a Multi-Source Information System Dedicated to End-Stage Renal Disease.
Proceedings of the Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe - Proceedings of MIE 2009, The XXIInd International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, August 30, 2009


Log files analysis to assess the use and workload of a dynamic web server dedicated to End-Stage Renal Disease.
Proceedings of the Ubiquity: Technologies for Better Health in Aging Societies, 2006

A Multi-Source Information System via the Internet for End-Stage Renal Disease: Scalability and Data Quality.
Proceedings of the Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics - Proceedings of MIE 2005, 2005

SIGNe: A Geographic Information System on the Web for End-Stage Renal Disease.
Proceedings of the Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics - Proceedings of MIE 2005, 2005

Avoiding Doubles in Distributed Nominative Medical Databases: Optimization of the Needleman and Wunsch Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics - Proceedings of MIE 2005, 2005

A Web-Based GIS for Health Care Decision-Support.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2005, 2005


Un entrepôt de données pour l'aide à la décision sanitaire en néphrologie.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf., 2003

A Dynamic Web Application within an n-tier Architecture: a Multi-Source Information System for End-Stage Renal Disease.
Proceedings of the New Navigators: from Professionals to Patients, 2003
