Wlodzimierz Drabent

Orcid: 0000-0002-4700-7272

  • Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

According to our database1, Wlodzimierz Drabent authored at least 61 papers between 1985 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


A relaxed condition for avoiding the occur-check.
Theor. Comput. Sci., October, 2023

Implementing Backjumping by Means of Exception Handling.
Theory Pract. Log. Program., July, 2023

On Feasibility of Declarative Diagnosis.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 39th International Conference on Logic Programming, 2023

On Correctness and Completeness of an n Queens Program.
Theory Pract. Log. Program., 2022

A note on occur-check (extended report).
CoRR, 2022

On Correctness of Normal Logic Programs.
Proceedings of the Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 2022

A Note on Occur-Check.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (Technical Communications), 2021

SLD-resolution without occur-check, an example.
CoRR, 2021

S-Semantics-an Example.
Proceedings of the Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 2021

Implementing backjumping by throw/1 and catch/3 of Prolog.
CoRR, 2020

The Prolog Debugger and Declarative Programming. Examples.
CoRR, 2020

On correctness of an n queens program.
CoRR, 2019

The Prolog Debugger and Declarative Programming.
Proceedings of the Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 2019

Logic + control: On program construction and verification.
Theory Pract. Log. Program., 2018

Proving completeness of logic programs with the cut.
Formal Aspects Comput., 2017

On definite program answers and least Herbrand models.
Theory Pract. Log. Program., 2016

Correctness and Completeness of Logic Programs.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log., 2016

On Completeness of Logic Programs.
Proceedings of the Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 2014

A simple correctness proof for magic transformation.
Theory Pract. Log. Program., 2012

Formalizing Business Process Using Hybrid Programs.
Proceedings of OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop 2012, 2012

Logic + control: An example.
Proceedings of the Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming, 2012

Logic + control: An example of program construction
CoRR, 2011

Hybrid rules with well-founded semantics.
Knowl. Inf. Syst., 2010

Hybrid Reasoning with Non-monotonic Rules.
Proceedings of the Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Software Engineering, 6th International Summer School 2010, Dresden, Germany, August 30, 2010

Hybrid Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies.
Proceedings of the Semantic Techniques for the Web, The REWERSE Perspective, 2009

Extending XML Query Language Xcerpt by Ontology Queries.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2007

Well-Founded Semantics for Hybrid Rules.
Proceedings of the Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, First International Conference, 2007

Hybrid Reasoning with Rules and Constraints under Well-Founded Semantics.
Proceedings of the Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, First International Conference, 2007

HD-rules: A Hybrid System Interfacing Prolog with DL-reasoners.
Proceedings of the ICLP'07 Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming to the Web, 2007

A Prototype of a Descriptive Type System for Xcerpt.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, 2006

Towards More Precise Typing Rules for.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, 2006

Proving correctness and completeness of normal programs - a declarative approach.
Theory Pract. Log. Program., 2005

Towards Types for Web Rule Languages.
Proceedings of the Reasoning Web, 2005

Descriptive Typing Rules for Xcerpt.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, 2005

On Subtyping of Tree-Structured Data: A Polynomial Approach.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, 2004

On Types for XML Query Language Xcerpt.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, 2003

Using parametric set constraints for locating errors in CLP programs.
Theory Pract. Log. Program., 2002

Parametric Descriptive Types for CLP.
Proceedings of the Programmation en logique avec contraintes, Actes des JFPLC'2001, 24 avril, 2001

Locating Type Errors in Untyped CLP Programs.
Proceedings of the Analysis and Visualization Tools for Constraint Programming, 2000

Type-based Diagnosis of CLP Programs.
Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Logic Programming Environments, 1999

It Is Declarative.
Proceedings of the Logic Programming: The 1999 International Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, November 29, 1999

Diagnosis of CHIP Programs Using Type Information.
Proceedings of the 1999 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, 1999

Type Analysis for CHIP.
Proceedings of the Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 1998

Tools and Environments for (Constraint) Logic Programming (Workshop Overview).
Proceedings of the Logic Programming, 1997

On the Role of Semantic Approximations on Validation and Diagnosis of Contraint Logic Programs.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Automated Debugging, 1997

Declarative Diagnosis of Contraint Programs: An Assertion-Based Approach.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Automated Debugging, 1997

Completeness of SLDNF-Resolution for Nonfloundering Queries.
J. Log. Program., 1996

On Negation As Instantiation.
Proceedings of the Algebraic and Logic Programming, 5th International Conference, 1996

On Quantified Negatives Queries.
Proceedings of the 1996 Joint Conf. on Declarative Programming, 1996

What is Failure? An Approach to Constructive Negation.
Acta Informatica, 1995

Completeness of SLDNF-Resolution for Non-Floundering Queries.
Proceedings of the Logic Programming, 1993

SLS-Resolution without Floundering.
Proceedings of the Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning, 1993

Automatic Diagnosis of VLSI Digital Circuits Using Algorithmic Debugging.
Proceedings of the Automated and Algorithmic Debugging, First International Workshop, 1993

What is Failure? Or: Constructive Negation by Fail Answers.
Proceedings of the Computing and Information, 1992

Strict Completion of Logic Programs.
New Gener. Comput., 1991

Inductive Assertion Method for Logic Programs.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 1988

Algorithmic Debugging with Assertions.
Proceedings of the Meta-Programming in Logic Programming, 1988

The Use of Assertions in Algorithmic Debugging.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, 1988

Do Logic Programs Resemble Programs in Conventional Languages?
Proceedings of the 1987 Symposium on Logic Programming, San Francisco, California, USA, August 31, 1987

Erratum: Proving Properties of Pascal Programs in MIZAR 2.
Acta Informatica, 1986

Proving Properties of Pascal Programs in MIZAR 2.
Acta Informatica, 1985
