José Rui Figueira

Orcid: 0000-0001-9822-1167

  • Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

According to our database1, José Rui Figueira authored at least 132 papers between 1998 and 2025.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Divide-and-conquer initialization and mutation operators for the large-scale mixed Capacitated Arc Routing Problem.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2025

A Network-DEA model to evaluate the impact of quality and access on hospital performance.
Ann. Oper. Res., November, 2024

A multi-objective mixed integer linear programming model for thesis defence scheduling.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., January, 2024

A cooperative coevolutionary hyper-heuristic approach to solve lot-sizing and job shop scheduling problems using genetic programming.
Int. J. Prod. Res., 2024

The Deck of Cards Method to Build Interpretable Fuzzy Sets in Decision-making.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2024

On the Computational Complexity of Multi-Objective Ordinal Unconstrained Combinatorial Optimization.
CoRR, 2024

A cooperative coevolutionary genetic programming hyper-heuristic for multi-objective makespan and cost optimization in cloud workflow scheduling.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2024

A multi-objective simulation-based decision support tool for wine supply chain design and risk management under sustainability goals.
Expert Syst. Appl., December, 2023

Data Envelopment Analysis models with imperfect knowledge of input and output values: An application to Portuguese public hospitals.
Expert Syst. Appl., November, 2023

A multiple criteria approach for building a pandemic impact assessment composite indicator: The case of COVID-19 in Portugal.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., September, 2023

Automatically evolving preference-based dispatching rules for multi-objective job shop scheduling.
J. Sched., June, 2023

A theoretical look at ordinal classification methods based on comparing actions with limiting boundaries between adjacent classes.
Ann. Oper. Res., June, 2023

Exact and approximate determination of the Pareto front using Minimal Correction Subsets.
Comput. Oper. Res., May, 2023

Are the Portuguese public hospitals sustainable? A triple bottom line hybrid data envelopment analysis approach.
Int. Trans. Oper. Res., 2023

New ϵ-constraint methods for multi-objective integer linear programming: A Pareto front representation approach.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2023

A generalized approach to ordinal classification based on the comparison of actions with either limiting or characteristic profiles.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2023

An evolutionary approach for inferring the model parameters of the hierarchical Electre III method.
Inf. Sci., 2022

Surrogate-assisted automatic evolving of dispatching rules for multi-objective dynamic job shop scheduling using genetic programming.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2022

A network Data Envelopment Analysis to estimate nations' efficiency in the fight against SARS-CoV-2.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2022

Electre-Score: A first outranking based method for scoring actions.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2022

Exact and approximate determination of the Pareto set using minimal correction subsets.
CoRR, 2022

Decision space robustness for multi-objective integer linear programming.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2022

A multiple criteria socio-technical approach for the Portuguese Army Special Forces recruitment.
4OR, 2022

A multicriteria outranking approach for ship collision risk assessment.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 2021

Assigning a house for refugees: an application of a multiple criteria nominal classification method.
Oper. Res., 2021

Sustainable supply chain network design: An application to the wine industry in Southern Portugal.
J. Oper. Res. Soc., 2021

Measuring the efficiency of the Portuguese public hospitals: A value modelled network data envelopment analysis with simulation.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2021

The binary knapsack problem with qualitative levels.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2021

Incorporating preference information in a range directional composite indicator: The case of Portuguese public hospitals.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2021

Non-dominated sorting genetic-based algorithm for exploiting a large-sized fuzzy outranking relation.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2021

Pairwise comparison tables within the deck of cards method in multiple criteria decision aiding.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2021

A multiple criteria approach for constructing a pandemic impact assessment composite indicator: The case of Covid-19 in Portugal.
CoRR, 2021

Exact hypervolume subset selection through incremental computations.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2021

Finding multi-objective supported efficient spanning trees.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2021

Using a segmenting description approach in multiple criteria decision aiding.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2020

Shortest paths with ordinal weights.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2020

Using a Choquet integral-based approach for incorporating decision-maker's preference judgments in a Data Envelopment Analysis model.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2020

New conditions for testing necessarily/possibly efficiency of non-degenerate basic solutions based on the tolerance approach.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2020

A robust hierarchical nominal multicriteria classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2020

The {0, 1}-knapsack problem with qualitative levels.
CoRR, 2020

Secure multi-cloud virtual network embedding.
Comput. Commun., 2020

Sparsifying parity-check matrices.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2020

An application of the ELECTRE TRI-C method to characterize government performance in OECD countries.
Int. Trans. Oper. Res., 2019

On the orness of Bonferroni mean and its variants.
Int. J. Intell. Syst., 2019

Interpolation by lattice polynomial functions: A polynomial time algorithm.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2019

An indirect elicitation method for the parameters of the ELECTRE TRI-nB model using genetic algorithms.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2019

Constraint-Based Techniques in Stochastic Local Search MaxSAT Solving.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2019

Supporting the Use of Decision Aiding Methods by Non-specialists.
Proceedings of the Business Modeling and Software Design - 9th International Symposium, 2019

Finding representations for an unconstrained bi-objective combinatorial optimization problem.
Optim. Lett., 2018

A multiple criteria nominal classification method based on the concepts of similarity and dissimilarity.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2018

On the Choquet multiple criteria preference aggregation model: Theoretical and practical insights from a real-world application.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2018

A multiple criteria methodology for prioritizing and selecting portfolios of urban projects.
CoRR, 2018

A robust hierarchical nominal classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity.
CoRR, 2018

Compressed data structures for bi-objective {0, 1}-knapsack problems.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2018

Managerial multiple objective optimization.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2018

ELECTRE TRI-nB: A new multiple criteria ordinal classification method.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2017

Secure Virtual Network Embedding in a Multi-Cloud Environment.
CoRR, 2017

Bi-dimensional knapsack problems with one soft constraint.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2017

A multi-objective genetic algorithm based approach for location of grain silos in Paraná State of Brazil.
Comput. Ind. Eng., 2017

Hypervolume Subset Selection in Two Dimensions: Formulations and Algorithms.
Evol. Comput., 2016

Finding compromise solutions in project portfolio selection with multiple experts by inverse optimization.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2016

A two phase approach for the bi-objective non-convex combined heat and power production planning problem.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2015

A multi-objective approach with soft constraints for water supply and wastewater coverage improvements.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2015

Dealing with a multiple criteria environmental problem with interaction effects between criteria through an extension of the Electre III method.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2015

An improved version of a core based algorithm for the multi-objective multi-dimensional knapsack problem: A computational study and comparison with meta-heuristics.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2015

Generalized manipulability of fuzzy social choice functions.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 2014

CUT: A Multicriteria Approach for Concavifiable Preferences.
Oper. Res., 2014

Dynamic programming algorithms for the bi-objective integer knapsack problem.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2014

Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2014

On finding representative non-dominated points for bi-objective integer network flow problems.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2014

On the multicriteria allocation problem.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2014

Dealing with interaction between bipolar multiple criteria preferences in PROMETHEE methods.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2014

A reduction dynamic programming algorithm for the bi-objective integer knapsack problem.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2013

Modeling centrality measures in social network analysis using bi-criteria network flow optimization problems.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2013

On Local Search for Bi-objective Knapsack Problems.
Evol. Comput., 2013

The inverse {0, 1}{0, 1}-knapsack problem: Theory, algorithms and computational experiments.
Discret. Optim., 2013

Inverse multi-objective combinatorial optimization.
Discret. Appl. Math., 2013

Multicriteria 0-1 knapsack problems with k-min objectives.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2013

Emergent nature inspired algorithms for multi-objective optimization.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2013

Algorithmic improvements on dynamic programming for the bi-objective {0, 1} knapsack problem.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2013

A real-integer-discrete-coded differential evolution.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2013

Multi-objective scheduling and a resource allocation problem in hospitals.
J. Sched., 2012

A multiple criteria sorting method where each category is characterized by several reference actions: The Electre Tri-nC method.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2012

Some convergence-based M-ary cardinal metrics for comparing performances of multi-objective optimizers.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2012

Computational performance of basic state reduction based dynamic programming algorithms for bi-objective 0-1 knapsack problems.
Comput. Math. Appl., 2012

Dynamic programming based algorithms for the discounted {0-1} knapsack problem.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2012

On the calculation of stability radius for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems by inverse optimization.
4OR, 2012

Interaction of Criteria and Robust Ordinal Regression in Bi-polar PROMETHEE Methods.
Proceedings of the Advances in Computational Intelligence, 2012

On Beam Search for Multicriteria Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
Proceedings of the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Contraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimzation Problems, 2012

Using the idea of expanded core for the exact solution of bi-objective multi-dimensional knapsack problems.
J. Glob. Optim., 2011

Identifying preferred solutions to Multi-Objective Binary Optimisation problems, with an application to the Multi-Objective Knapsack Problem.
J. Glob. Optim., 2011

Electre Tri-C, a multiple criteria decision aiding sorting model applied to assisted reproduction.
Int. J. Medical Informatics, 2011

Single row facility layout problem using a permutation-based genetic algorithm.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2011

A two state reduction based dynamic programming algorithm for the bi-objective 0-1 knapsack problem.
Comput. Math. Appl., 2011

Graph partitioning by multi-objective real-valued metaheuristics: A comparative study.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2011

A real-integer-discrete-coded particle swarm optimization for design problems.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2011

Connectedness and Local Search for Bicriteria Knapsack Problems.
Proceedings of the Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 2011

Solving scalarized multi-objective network flow problems using an interior point method.
Int. Trans. Oper. Res., 2010

A parallel multiple reference point approach for multi-objective optimization.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2010

Electre Tri-C: A multiple criteria sorting method based on characteristic reference actions.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2010

Labeling algorithms for multiple objective integer knapsack problems.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2010

A Real-Integer-Discrete-Coded Differential Evolution Algorithm: A Preliminary Study.
Proceedings of the Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 2010

Robust Ordinal Regression.
Proceedings of the Trends in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, 2010

A stochastic method for robustness analysis in sorting problems.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2009

Building a set of additive value functions representing a reference preorder and intensities of preference: GRIP method.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2009

ELECTRE methods with interaction between criteria: An extension of the concordance index.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2009

On the computation of all supported efficient solutions in multi-objective integer network flow problems.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2009

Finding non-dominated solutions in bi-objective integer network flow problems.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2009

Solving the bi-objective multi-dimensional knapsack problem exploiting the concept of core.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2009

A primal-dual simplex algorithm for bi-objective network flow problems.
4OR, 2009

09041 Working Group on MCDM for Robust Multiobjective Optimization (1st Round).
Proceedings of the Hybrid and Robust Approaches to Multiobjective Optimization, 18.01., 2009

On the manipulability of the fuzzy social choice functions.
Fuzzy Sets Syst., 2008

Benchmarking in a multiple criteria performance context: An application and a conceptual framework.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2008

Core problems in bi-criteria {0, 1}-knapsack problems.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2008

Computing and Selecting ε-Efficient Solutions of {0, 1}-Knapsack Problems.
Proceedings of the Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems, 2008

An Ordinal Regression Method for Multicriteria Analysis of Customer Satisfaction.
Proceedings of the Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems, 2008

Graph partitioning through a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm: a preliminary study.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2008

Interactive Multiobjective Optimization Using a Set of Additive Value Functions.
Proceedings of the Multiobjective Optimization, 2008

A priori landscape analysis in guiding interactive multi-objective metaheuristics.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2008

Integrating partial optimization with scatter search for solving bi-criteria {0, 1}-knapsack problems.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2007

Multiple criteria districting problems.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2007

A scatter search method for bi-criteria {0, 1}-knapsack problems.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2006

Ann. Oper. Res., 2006

Dealing with inconsistent judgments in multiple criteria sorting models.
4OR, 2006

Group Preference Modelling in SMAA using Belief Functions.
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2005

A Scatter Search Method for the Bi-Criteria Multi-dimensional {0, 1}-Knapsack Problem using Surrogate Relaxation.
J. Math. Model. Algorithms, 2004

Resolving inconsistencies among constraints on the parameters of an MCDA model.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2003

Solving bicriteria 0-1 knapsack problems using a labeling algorithm.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2003

Determining the weights of criteria in the ELECTRE type methods with a revised Simos' procedure.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2002

An aggregation/disaggregation approach to obtain robust conclusions with ELECTRE TRI.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2002

Using assignment examples to infer weights for ELECTRE TRI method: Some experimental results.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2001

Using mathematical programming heuristics in a multicriteria network flow context.
J. Oper. Res. Soc., 1998
