Zili Zhang

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Known people with the same name:


Hybrid Bright-Dark-Field Microscopic Fringe Projection System for Cu Pillar Height Measurement in Wafer-Level Package.
Sensors, August, 2024

Are sticky users less likely to lurk? Evidence from online reviews.
Behav. Inf. Technol., April, 2024

Determining dense velocity fields for fluid images based on affine motion.
PeerJ Comput. Sci., 2024

Explainable prediction of surface roughness in multi-jet polishing based on ensemble regression and differential evolution method.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2024

Incentive hierarchies intensify competition for attention: A study of online reviews.
Decis. Support Syst., 2024

DistTrain: Addressing Model and Data Heterogeneity with Disaggregated Training for Multimodal Large Language Models.
CoRR, 2024

RAGCache: Efficient Knowledge Caching for Retrieval-Augmented Generation.
CoRR, 2024

Why do online reviewers seek anonymity? Empirical evidence on the effects of prior anonymous reviews and focal reviews.
Aslib J. Inf. Manag., 2024

dLoRA: Dynamically Orchestrating Requests and Adapters for LoRA LLM Serving.
Proceedings of the 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2024

Fast Vector Query Processing for Large Datasets Beyond GPU Memory with Reordered Pipelining.
Proceedings of the 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2024

Jolteon: Unleashing the Promise of Serverless for Serverless Workflows.
Proceedings of the 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2024

Spatiotemporal Dependence Learning with Meteorological Context for Transportation Demand Prediction.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, 2024

Iterative Refinement of Project-Level Code Context for Precise Code Generation with Compiler Feedback.
Proceedings of the Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024

Rise of Distributed Deep Learning Training in the Big Model Era: From a Software Engineering Perspective.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., November, 2023

Chemical Composition Optimization of Biocompatible Non-Equiatomic High-Entropy Alloys Using Machine Learning and First-Principles Calculations.
Symmetry, November, 2023

VTNCT: an image-based virtual try-on network by combining feature with pixel transformation.
Vis. Comput., July, 2023

A Gaussian copula joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data with random effects.
Comput. Stat. Data Anal., May, 2023

Estimation of Near-Ground Ozone With High Spatio-Temporal Resolution in the Yangtze River Delta Region of China Based on a Temporally Ensemble Model.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2023

Output Voltage Response Improvement and Ripple Reduction Control for Input-parallel Output-parallel High-Power DC Supply.
CoRR, 2023

Fast Distributed Inference Serving for Large Language Models.
CoRR, 2023

Ditto: Efficient Serverless Analytics with Elastic Parallelism.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference, 2023

Credible Dual-X Modality Learning for Visible and Infrared Person Re-Identification.
Proceedings of the PRICAI 2023: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2023

To Disclose or Not to Disclose, That Is the Question: Evidence from TripAdvisor.
Proceedings of the 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2023

Visual Cues in Online Corporate Social Responsibility Communication.
Proceedings of the 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2023

Fast, Approximate Vector Queries on Very Large Unstructured Datasets.
Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2023

Transparent GPU Sharing in Container Clouds for Deep Learning Workloads.
Proceedings of the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2023

Learning Category Discriminability for Active Domain Adaptation.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, 2023

Style Augmentation and Domain-Aware Parametric Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, 2023

Prototype-Augmented Contrastive Learning for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, 2023

Using AI and ChatGPT in Brand Storytelling.
Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2023

Extraction of Aquaculture Ponds along Coastal Region Using U2-Net Deep Learning Model from Remote Sensing Images.
Remote. Sens., 2022

An Ensemble Model-Based Estimation of Nitrogen Dioxide in a Southeastern Coastal Region of China.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Ridge regression and lasso regression based least squares algorithm for a time-delayed rational model via redundant rule.
Int. J. Model. Identif. Control., 2022

Beneficial Effects of Celastrol on Immune Balance by Modulating Gut Microbiota in Experimental Ulcerative Colitis Mice.
Genom. Proteom. Bioinform., 2022

Temporal and spatial variation of coastline using remote sensing images for Zhoushan archipelago, China.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, 2022

Lightweight Wavelet-Based Transformer for Image Super-Resolution.
Proceedings of the PRICAI 2022: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2022

Toward Detail-Oriented Image-Based Virtual Try-On with Arbitrary Poses.
Proceedings of the MultiMedia Modeling - 28th International Conference, 2022

PF-VTON: Toward High-Quality Parser-Free Virtual Try-On Network.
Proceedings of the MultiMedia Modeling - 28th International Conference, 2022

UF-VTON: Toward User-Friendly Virtual Try-On Network.
Proceedings of the ICMR '22: International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Newark, NJ, USA, June 27, 2022

Machine learning applications in Cyber-Physical Production Systems: a survey.
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Automation and Computing, 2022

A Novel Map Matching Based Localization Method for ISAC.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, 2022

Optimizing half precision Winograd convolution on ARM many-core processors.
Proceedings of the APSys '22: 13th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, Virtual Event, Singapore, August 23, 2022

A two-stream convolution architecture for ESC based on audio feature distanglement.
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 2022

Cumulus cloud modeling from images based on VAE-GAN.
Virtual Real. Intell. Hardw., 2021

Early Bird Versus Late Owl: An Empirical Investigation of Individual Shopping Time Habits and its Effects.
MIS Q., 2021

Demystifying Developers' Issues in Distributed Training of Deep Learning Software.
CoRR, 2021

Solving multi-objective optimization problem using cuckoo search algorithm based on decomposition.
Appl. Intell., 2021

Estimation of the value of regional ecosystem services of an archipelago using satellite remote sensing technology: A case study of Zhoushan Archipelago, China.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, 2021

A Novel Physarum-Based Optimization Algorithm for Shortest Path.
Proceedings of the Advances in Swarm Intelligence - 12th International Conference, 2021

A Structured Feature Learning Model for Clothing Keypoints Localization.
Proceedings of the MultiMedia Modeling - 27th International Conference, 2021

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks based on Manifold for Smoke Recognition.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2021

DP-VTON: Toward Detail-Preserving Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2021

Video-based Fire Smoke Detection Using Temporal-spatial Saliency Features.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN 2021) / The 11th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH-2021), 2021

Multi-scale Gated Inpainting Network with Patch-Wise Spacial Attention.
Proceedings of the Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2021 International Workshops, 2021

Target-driven cloud evolution using position-based fluids.
Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds, 2020

Cumuliform cloud formation control using parameter-predicting convolutional neural network.
Graph. Model., 2020

A note on "Parameter estimation for bivariate Weibull distribution using generalized moment method for reliability evaluation".
Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int., 2019

基于多头绒泡菌的贝叶斯网络结构学习 (Bayesian Structure Learning Based on Physarum Polycephalum).
计算机科学, 2019

Uncertain portfolio selection with mental accounts and realistic constraints.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2019

RAPID: Measuring Deformation of Biological Tissues from MR Images Through the Riemannian Pseudo Kernel.
Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., 2018

A Novel Strategy for Complex Human-Agent Negotiation.
Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2018

Interference of Heavy Aerosol Loading on the VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval Algorithm.
Remote. Sens., 2017

Modeling Cumulus Cloud Scenes from High-resolution Satellite Images.
Comput. Graph. Forum, 2017

Estimating Cumulus Cloud Shape from a Single Image.
Proceedings of the Advances in Image and Graphics Technologies - 12th Chinese conference, 2017

Mapping Above-Ground Biomass by Integrating Optical and SAR Imagery: A Case Study of Xixi National Wetland Park, China.
Remote. Sens., 2016

A Cluster Sampling Method for Image Matting via Sparse Coding.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2016, 2016

A Novel Arc Segmentation Approach for Document Image Processing.
Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., 2015

Toward Efficient Agreements in Real-Time Multilateral Agent-Based Negotiations.
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2015

A novel remote eye gaze tracking approach with dynamic calibration.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2013

Analytical research on asymmetrical transient model of induction motor during a thyristor-based bus transfer.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2013

Prediction Algorithm for State Prediction Model.
J. Comput., 2012

Editorial responsiveness, journal quality, and total review time: An empirical analysis.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 2012

Two Problems of Circle in Image.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, 2012

Error-Correction in Electronic Architectural Drawings.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, 2012

Sentiment classification of Internet restaurant reviews written in Cantonese.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2011

Example-Based Facial Portraiture Style Learning.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP 2010), 2010

An improved trust model in agent-mediated e-commerce.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. Technol. Appl., 2008

Incorporating track records of agents into matchmaking in middle agents.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. Technol. Appl., 2008

CART-Based Rare Habitat Information Extraction For Landsat ETM+ Image.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008

A Study on Using Natural Source Super Low Frequency Electromagnetic wave to Explore Goaf.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008

Fuzzy Logic Based Metric in Software Testing.
Proceedings of the Advances in Intelligent IT, 2006

An email classification model based on rough set theory.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology, 2005

A computation trust model with trust network in multi-agent systems.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology, 2005

A winner determination algorithm for multi-unit combinatorial auctions with reserve prices.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology, 2005

An approximate reasoning system: Design and implementation.
Int. J. Approx. Reason., 1993
