Michael G. Hinchey
Orcid: 0000-0001-5110-561XAffiliations:
- University of Limerick, Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (Lero), Ireland
According to our database1,
Michael G. Hinchey
authored at least 242 papers
between 1992 and 2024.
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Online presence:
on zbmath.org
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On csauthors.net:
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., March, 2023
Dimension Reduction in Hyperspectral Image Using Single Layer Perceptron Neural Network.
Proceedings of the Computational Intelligence in Communications and Business Analytics, 2023
Proceedings of the Theories of Programming and Formal Methods, 2023
Applications of computational intelligence techniques to software engineering problems.
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 2022
Proceedings of the WiPSCE '20: Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, 2020
Is There Anything That Isn't Software?
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies, 2019
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, 2018
Proceedings of the Models, Mindsets, 2018
Adaptation to the Unforeseen: Can We Trust Autonomous and Adaptive Systems? - (Position Paper).
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, 2017
Capturing autonomy features for unmanned spacecraft with ARE, the autonomy requirements engineering approach.
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 2016
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2016
LNCS Trans. Found. Mastering Chang., 2016
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Foundational Techniques, 2016
Proceedings of the Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Testing, 2015
Verifying FreeRTOS' Cyclic Doubly Linked List Implementation: From Abstract Specification to Machine Code.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2015
An overview of Dynamic Software Product Line architectures and techniques: Observations from research and industry.
J. Syst. Softw., 2014
Proceedings of the Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments, 2014
Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change, 2014
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, 2014
Proceedings of the Nature of Computation and Communication - International Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Nature of Computation and Communication - International Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2014 Joint Conference (EDBT/ICDT 2014), 2014
Proceedings of the International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2014
NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-09816-6, 2014
Formal Methods.
Proceedings of the Computing Handbook, 2014
Proceedings of the IEEE International Systems Conference, 2013
Proceedings of the 17th International Software Product Line Conference, 2013
Proceedings of the SAFECOMP 2013, 2013
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2013
Proceedings of the International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2013
Proceedings of the Systems and Software Variability Management, 2013
Proceedings of the Software Agents, Agent Systems and Their Applications, 2012
FastFix: A Control Theoretic View of Self-Healing for Automatic Corrective Software Maintenance.
Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp., 2012
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2012
Runtime variability for dynamic reconfiguration in wireless sensor network product lines.
Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference, 2012
Proceedings of the 16th International Software Product Line Conference, 2012
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, 2012
Proceedings of the Context-Aware Systems and Applications - First International Conference, 2012
Proceedings of the Context-Aware Systems and Applications - First International Conference, 2012
Proceedings of the Fifth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2012
Proceedings of the Fifth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2012
Dealing with Complexity in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: The Importance of Interactions.
Proceedings of the Conquering Complexity, 2012
You Can't Get There from Here! Large Problems and Potential Solutions in Developing New Classes of Complex Computer Systems.
Proceedings of the Conquering Complexity, 2012
Proceedings of the Conquering Complexity, 2012
Modeling NASA swarm-based systems: using agent-oriented software engineering and formal methods.
Softw. Syst. Model., 2011
Dagstuhl Reports, 2011
Computer, 2011
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement, 2011
Proceedings of the Software Product Lines - 15th International Conference, 2011
Proceedings of the Software Product Lines - 15th International Conference, 2011
Proceedings of the 34th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop, 2011
Proceedings of the Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 9th International Conference, 2011
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, 2011
Knowledge Representation and Awareness in Autonomic Service-Component Ensembles - State of the Art.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, 2011
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, 2011
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2011
Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2011
Proceedings of the Complex Systems Design & Management, 2011
Requirements and initial model for KnowLang: a language for knowledge representation in autonomic service-component ensembles.
Proceedings of the Fourth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2011
Autonomous and Autonomic Systems: With Applications to NASA Intelligent Spacecraft Operations and Exploration Systems
NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-84628-233-1, 2010
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 2010
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 2010
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 2010
Automated Test Case Generation of Self-Managing Policies for NASA Prototype Missions Developed with ASSL.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, 2010
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, 2010
Proceedings of the Software Product Lines - 14th International Conference, 2010
Proceedings of the Software Product Lines: Going Beyond - 14th International Conference, 2010
Proceedings of the Foundations of Computer Software. Modeling, Development, and Verification of Adaptive Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, 2010
Proceedings of the Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications, 2010
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2010
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2010
Proceedings of the 2010 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the Safety and Security in Multiagent Systems, 2009
Proceedings of the Proceedings FM-09 Workshop on Formal Methods for Aerospace, 2009
Investment in Information and Communication Technologies in the Irish Education Sector.
Proceedings of the Education and Technology for a Better World, 2009
Proceedings of the Software Product Lines, 13th International Conference, 2009
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop, 2009
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2009
Model Checking for Autonomic Systems Specified with ASSL.
Proceedings of the First NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 2009
Component-Oriented Behavior Extraction for Autonomic System Design.
Proceedings of the First NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 2009
Proceedings of the ICSE 2009 Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software, 2009
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2009
Towards Model Checking with Java PathFinder for Autonomic Systems Specified and Generated with ASSL.
Proceedings of the ICSOFT 2009, 2009
A Self-adaptive Architecture for Autonomic Systems Developed with ASSL.
Proceedings of the ICSOFT 2009, 2009
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009
We can't get there from here!: the paradox of developing new classes of complex systems.
Proceedings of the Fifth Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop, 2009
Proceedings of the Rigorous Methods for Software Construction and Analysis, 2009
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 2008
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement, 2008
Proceedings of the Software Product Lines, 12th International Conference, 2008
ASSL Specification of Emergent Self-Adapting Behavior for NASA Swarm-Based Exploration Missions.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, 2008
Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, 2008
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2008
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2008), 2008
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 2008
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 2008
Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2008
You can't get there from here! Problems and potential solutions in developing new classes of complex computer systems.
Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2008
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2008), March 31 2008, 2008
Proceedings of the Organic Computing - Controlled Self-organization, 30.03. - 04.04.2008, 2008
Proceedings of the Organic Computing - Controlled Self-organization, 30.03. - 04.04.2008, 2008
An Evaluation Study of the Effectiveness of Modeling NASA Swarm-Based Exploration Missions with ASSL.
Proceedings of the Autonomic and Trusted Computing, 5th International Conference, 2008
Sci. Comput. Program., 2007
J. Braz. Comput. Soc., 2007
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 2007
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 2007
Using Formal Methods and Agent-Oriented Software Engineering for Modeling NASA Swarm-Based Systems.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2007
Agent-Based Software Systems Evolution via Model-Driven Architecture.
Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, 2007
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, 2007
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2007
Proceedings of the ISoLA 2007, 2007
Modeling for NASA Autonomous Nano-Technology Swarm Missions and Model-Driven Autonomic Computing.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2007), 2007
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst., 2006
Experiences applying formal approaches in the development of swarm-based space exploration systems.
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 2006
Next generation system and software architectures: Challenges from future NASA exploration missions.
Sci. Comput. Program., 2006
Computer, 2006
Achieving dependability in sensor networks through automated requirements-based programming.
Comput. Commun., 2006
A requirements-based programming approach to developing a NASA autonomous ground control system.
Artif. Intell. Rev., 2006
Managing the Evolution of an Enterprise Architecture Using a MAS-Product-Line Approach.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice & Conference on Programming Languages and Compilers, 2006
Proceedings of the Dagstuhl-Workshop MBEES: Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme II, 2006
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 2006
Proceedings of the Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing, 2006
Proceedings of the Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing, 2006
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Self-adaptation and self-managing systems, 2006
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2006), 2006
A Model-Driven Architecture Approach for Modeling, Specifying and Deploying Policies in Autonomous and Autonomic Systems.
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Dependable Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2006), 29 September, 2006
Autonomic Security and Self-Protection based on Feature-Recognition with Virtual Neurons.
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Dependable Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2006), 29 September, 2006
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Dependable Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2006), 29 September, 2006
Proceedings of the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VII, 7th International Workshop, 2006
You can't Get there from Here! Problems and some potential solutions in Developing New Classes of Complex Systems.
Trans. SDPS, 2005
Innov. Syst. Softw. Eng., 2005
Proceedings of the Innovative Concepts for Autonomic and Agent-Based Systems, 2005
Proceedings of the Verified Software: Theories, 2005
Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE / NASA Software Engineering Workshop (SEW-29 2005), 2005
Self*- Properties in NASA Mission.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, 2005
SPAACE: : Self-Properties for an Autonomous & Autonomic Computing Environment.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, 2005
Autonomous and Autonomic Swarms.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, 2005
Towards an automated development methodology for dependable systems with application to sensor networks.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, 2005
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2005
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2005
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2005
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2005
Enabling Requirements-Based Programming for Highly-Dependable Complex Parallel and Distributed Systems.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2005
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2005
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on Formal methods for industrial critical systems, 2005
Ten commandments revisited: a ten-year perspective on the industrial application of formal methods.
Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on Formal methods for industrial critical systems, 2005
Proceedings of the Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing - EUC 2005 Workshops, 2005
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 2005
Engineering Ultimate Self-Protection in Autonomic Agents for Space Exploration Missions.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 2005
Experiences with a Requirements-Based Programming Approach to the Development of a NASA Autonomous Ground Control System.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the Fourth International IEEE Computer Society Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference Workshops & Poster Abstracts, 2005
Proceedings of the Fourth International IEEE Computer Society Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference Workshops & Poster Abstracts, 2005
Properties of a Formal Method for Prediction of Emergent Behaviors in Swarm-Based Systems.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2004), 2004
Formal Methods for Autonomic and Swarm-based Systems.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 2004
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2004
Proceedings of the Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, Third InternationalWorkshop, 2004
Proceedings of the Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, Third InternationalWorkshop, 2004
Proceedings of the Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, Third InternationalWorkshop, 2004
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems (ECBS 2004), 2004
Proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE / NASA Software Engineering Workshop (SEW-28 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the Safety Critical Systems and Software 2002, 2002
Qu-Prolog: An Implementation Language for Agents with Advanced Reasoning Capabilities.
Proceedings of the Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, Second International Workshop, 2002
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2000), 2000
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2000), 2000
Proceedings of the Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, First International Workshop, 2000
Introduction to the Minitrack on Engineering Complex Computer Systems: Emerging Technologies Track.
Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1998
Proceedings of the 21st International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC '97), 1997
Formal Models and the Specification Process.
Proceedings of the Computer Science and Engineering Handbook, 1997
Challenges in the successful transfer of formal methods technology into industrial applications.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 1996
Proceedings of the 26th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1995
Concurrent systems - formal development in CSP.
McGrawhill international series in software engineering, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-0-07-707649-8, 1995
Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Documentation: technical communications at the great divide, 1994
Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Conference on Systems Documentation, 1993
Proceedings of the Studies of Software Design, 1993
Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Systems Documentation, 1992