Peter P. Puschner
Orcid: 0000-0002-2495-0778Affiliations:
- Vienna University of Technology, Austria
According to our database1,
Peter P. Puschner
authored at least 124 papers
between 1989 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
J. Syst. Archit., 2024
Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2024
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2024
A qualitative cybersecurity analysis of time-triggered communication networks in automotive systems.
J. Syst. Archit., March, 2023
Proceedings of the 21th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2023
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2023
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 2021
J. Syst. Archit., 2021
Zeitgesteuerte Kommunikationsschnittstellen in unterschiedlichen Anwendungskontexten.
Proceedings of the Echtzeit 2021, 2021
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2021
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2021
Vicuna: A Timing-Predictable RISC-V Vector Coprocessor for Scalable Parallel Computation.
Proceedings of the 33rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 2021
J. Syst. Archit., 2020
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2020 Workshops, 2020
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2020
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2020
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Embedded Software, 2020
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2019
Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2019
Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2019
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2018
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2017
Proceedings of the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2017
Improving Performance of Single-Path Code through a Time-Predictable Memory Hierarchy.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2017
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2016
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2016
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip, 2016
SIGBED Rev., 2015
SIGBED Rev., 2015
J. Syst. Archit., 2015
Proceedings of the IEEE 18th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2015
A Time-Predictable Instruction-Cache Architecture that Uses Prefetching and Cache Locking.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, 2015
Proceedings of the International Conference on Event-based Control, 2015
Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2014
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2014
A Simulated Fault Injection Framework for Time-Triggered Safety-Critical Embedded Systems.
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2014
Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2014
Modeling and Simulated Fault Injection for Time-Triggered Safety-Critical Embedded Systems.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2014
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 Forum on Specification and Design Languages, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 Forum on Specification and Design Languages, 2014
Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2013
Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, 2013
Combined WCET analysis of bitcode and machine code using control-flow relation graphs.
Proceedings of the SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, 2013
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2013
Time-predictable code execution - Instruction-set support for the single-path approach.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2013
Proceedings of the 1st French Singaporean Workshop on Formal Methods and Applications, 2013
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2012
Proceedings of the Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2012
J. Syst. Archit., 2011
Code transformations to prevent timing anomalies.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., 2011
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, 2011
Real Time Syst., 2010
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2010
Proceedings of the Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2010
Towards a Time-Predictable Hierarchical Memory Architecture - Prefetching Options to be Explored.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, 2010
Proceedings of the 9th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2009
Proceedings of the 9th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2009
Proceedings of the Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 2009
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2009
Proceedings of the 21st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 2009
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 2008
Using model checking to derive loop bounds of general loops within ANSI-C applications for measurement based WCET analysis.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems, 2008
Proceedings of the 8th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis, 2008
Proceedings of the Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 2008
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2008), 2008
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 2008
Proceedings of the Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 2007
Time-Predictable Task Preemption for Real-Time Systems with Direct-Mapped Instruction Cache.
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2007), 2007
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2007), 2007
Proceedings of the Embedded System Design: Topics, Techniques and Trends, IFIP TC10 Working Conference: International Embedded Systems Symposium (IESS), May 30, 2007
Development of a Framework for Automated Systematic Testing of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems.
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems, 2006
Comparing WCET and Resource Demands of Trigonometric Functions Implemented as Iterative Calculations vs. Table-Lookup.
Proceedings of the 6th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis, 2006
Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2006), 2006
Proceedings of the From Model-Driven Design to Resource Management for Distributed Embedded Systems, 2006
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2005), 2005
Classification of Code Annotations and Discussion of Compiler-Support for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis.
Proceedings of the 5th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis, 2005
Proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems, 2005
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2005), 2005
Proceedings of the 2005 Design, 2005
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2004), 2004
Real Time Syst., 2003
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded Systems, 2003
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS Fall 2003), 2003
Function Test Framework for Testing IO-Blocks in a Model-Based Rapid Prototyping Development Environment for Embedded Control Applications.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems, 2003
A Simple and Efficient Fully Automatic Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Model-Based Application Development.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent Solutions in Embedded Systems, 2003
Discussion of Misconceptions about WCET Analysis.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, 2003
Proceedings of the Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, 7th International Workshop, 2003
Proceedings of the 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the Embedded Software, Third International Conference, 2003
Proceedings of the 15th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2003), 2003
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS 2002), 2002
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposiun on Object Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, 2002
Transforming Execution-Time Boundable Code into Temporally Predictable Code.
Proceedings of the Design and Analysis of Distributed Embedded Systems, IFIP 17<sup>th</sup> World Computer Congress, 2002
Proceedings of the 14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2002), 2002
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2001), 2001
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2001), 2001
Assumption coverage under different failure modes in the time-triggered architecture.
Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2001
Proceedings of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2001), 2001
Proceedings of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2001), 2001
Real Time Syst., 2000
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Real-Time Computing and Applications Symposium (RTCSA 2000), 2000
Proceedings of the 11th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 1999), 1999
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1998
Proceedings of the 10th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 1998), 1998
Real Time Syst., 1997
Problems in Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis.
Proceedings of the MMB '97, 1997
Proceedings of the Ninth Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, 1997
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, 1993
Proceedings of the Fifth Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, 1993
The design of real-time systems: from specification to implementation and verification.
Softw. Eng. J., 1991
Proceedings of the ESEC '91, 1991
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 1990