Xin Qi

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


L₂-Gain-Based Path Following Control for Autonomous Vehicles Under Time-Constrained DoS Attacks.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., September, 2024

Resilient Control for Networked Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Dynamic Event-Triggered Mechanism Under Aperiodic DoS Attacks.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., April, 2024

General Nonlinear Function-on-Function Regression via Functional Universal Approximation.
J. Comput. Graph. Stat., 2024

ConvFishNet: An efficient backbone for fish classification from composited underwater images.
Inf. Sci., 2024

ICAGC 2024: Inspirational and Convincing Audio Generation Challenge 2024.
CoRR, 2024

ASRRL-TTS: Agile Speaker Representation Reinforcement Learning for Text-to-Speech Speaker Adaptation.
CoRR, 2024

A multi-speaker multi-lingual voice cloning system based on vits2 for limmits 2024 challenge.
CoRR, 2024

MINT: a Multi-modal Image and Narrative Text Dubbing Dataset for Foley Audio Content Planning and Generation.
CoRR, 2024

Codecfake: An Initial Dataset for Detecting LLM-based Deepfake Audio.
CoRR, 2024

PPPR: Portable Plug-in Prompt Refiner for Text to Audio Generation.
CoRR, 2024

Genuine-Focused Learning using Mask AutoEncoder for Generalized Fake Audio Detection.
CoRR, 2024

Generalized Fake Audio Detection via Deep Stable Learning.
CoRR, 2024

Robust Visual Tracking via Iterative Gradient Descent and Threshold Selection.
CoRR, 2024

Cross-Training with Multi-View Knowledge Fusion for Heterogenous Federated Learning.
CoRR, 2024

Relation Modeling and Distillation for Learning with Noisy Labels.
CoRR, 2024

Comparative Study of Neighbor-based Methods for Local Outlier Detection.
CoRR, 2024

The Codecfake Dataset and Countermeasures for the Universally Detection of Deepfake Audio.
CoRR, 2024

Discriminative Semi-Supervised Feature Selection Via a Class-Credible Pseudo-Label Learning Framework.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2024

The finite-time boundedness and control analysis of switched nonlinear time-varying delay systems based on auxiliary matrices.
J. Frankl. Inst., December, 2023

Reliability assessment for coherent systems operating under a generalized mixed shock model with multiple change points of the environment.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., November, 2023

A collaborative multi-task learning method for BI-RADS category 4 breast lesion segmentation and classification of MRI images.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., October, 2023

Student behavior recognition for interaction detection in the classroom environment.
Image Vis. Comput., August, 2023

Hyperparameter optimization of neural networks based on Q-learning.
Signal Image Video Process., June, 2023

Decoding Connectivity Map-based drug repurposing for oncotherapy.
Briefings Bioinform., May, 2023

Next-Generation Sequencing Markup Language (NGSML): A Medium for the Representation and Exchange of NGS Data.
IEEE ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform., 2023

Trend-Based SAC Beam Control Method with Zero-Shot in Superconducting Linear Accelerator.
CoRR, 2023

Machine learning assisted multipath signal parameter estimation and its evaluation under weak signal environment.
Proceedings of the IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, 2023

Vertebral Region Segmentation for CT Images via Semi-supervised Learning.
Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Medicine Science, 2023

An algorithm of non-uniform cluster head selection and energy supplement based on virtual force.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, 2023

The FruitShell French synthesis system at the Blizzard 2023 Challenge.
Proceedings of the 18th Blizzard Challenge Workshop, Grenoble, France, August 29, 2023, 2023

The VIBVG Speech Synthesis System for Blizzard Challenge 2023.
Proceedings of the 18th Blizzard Challenge Workshop, Grenoble, France, August 29, 2023, 2023

On GSOR-based iteration methods for solving weakly nonlinear systems with complex symmetric coefficient matrices.
J. Appl. Math. Comput., February, 2022

A Discrete Moth-Flame Optimization With an $l_2$-Norm Constraint for Network Clustering.
IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng., 2022

Traffic Volume Estimate Based on Low Penetration Connected Vehicle Data at Signalized Intersections: A Bayesian Deduction Approach.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2022

Charging-Expense Minimization Through Assignment Rescheduling of Movable Charging Stations in Electric Vehicle Networks.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2022

Identification of Novel Drugs Targeting Cell Cycle Regulators for the Treatment of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer via Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis.
Symmetry, 2022

Profile of Intelligent Hybrid Information System in Mobile World.
Mob. Networks Appl., 2022

An improved <i>Physarum polycephalum</i> algorithm for the Steiner tree problem.
Int. J. Bio Inspired Comput., 2022

Cross-Modal ASR Post-Processing System for Error Correction and Utterance Rejection.
CoRR, 2022

Speedup of discrete Fourier transform by efficient modular arithmetic.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2022

Empirical Likelihood for PLSIM with Missing Response Variables and Error-Prone Covariates.
Proceedings of the Ubiquitous Security - Second International Conference, 2022

A Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Multi-layer Network Reduction for Community Detection.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, 2022

A Deep One-Class Learning Method for Replay Attack Detection.
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2022

TSINet: Efficient Breast Lesion Segmentation with Three-Stream Interactive Neural Network on Magnetic Resonance Images.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2022

Path Following Optimization for an Underactuated USV Using Smoothly-Convergent Deep Reinforcement Learning.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2021

Vibration Analysis and Parameter Optimization of the Longitudinal Axial Flow Threshing Cylinder.
Symmetry, 2021

High Reliability and Wide Coverage Space-based TT&C System Based on S/Ka Dual band Wide and Narrow Beam Fusion Technology.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, 2021

Design and Implementation of Space-and-Earth Network for China Manned Spacecraft.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, 2021

Research on Antenna Switching Strategy in Manned-Spacecraft Assembly and Construction.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, 2021

Research and Simulation of a Space Network Flow Control Strategy for China's Manned Space Station.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, 2021

Joint Network Selection and Task Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing.
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, 2021

A DE-LS Metaheuristic Algorithm for Hybrid Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem considering Multiple Requirements of Customers.
Sci. Program., 2020

iODA: An integrated tool for analysis of cancer pathway consistency from heterogeneous multi-omics data.
J. Biomed. Informatics, 2020

Modified Newton-GSOR method for solving complex nonlinear systems with symmetric Jacobian matrices.
Comput. Appl. Math., 2020

Decoding competing endogenous RNA networks for cancer biomarker discovery.
Briefings Bioinform., 2020

Design of EVA Communications Method for Anti-multipath and Full-Range Coverage.
Proceedings of the Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2019

Identification of Solar Activities Based on Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase.
Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., 2018

A New Square Grid-Based Method for Identifying Solar Activities.
Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., 2018

Automatic generation of visual-textual web video thumbnail.
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, Bangkok, Thailand, November 27 - 30, 2017, 2017

Toward trustworthy crowdsourcing in the social internet of things.
IEEE Wirel. Commun., 2016

Interference alignment techniques for wireless communication networks in oil field.
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2016

MAC Protocol in Wireless Body Area Network for Mobile Health: A Survey and an Architecture Design.
Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks, 2015

Workload-Driven VM Consolidation in Cloud Data Centers.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2015

A harvesting-rate oriented self-adaptive algorithm in Energy-Harvesting Wireless Body Area Networks.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2015

Review on MAC Protocols in Energy-Harvesting Wireless Body Area Networks.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Identification, 2015

Adaptive TDMA-based MAC protocol in energy harvesting wireless body area network for mobile health.
Proceedings of the IECON 2015, 2015

On Upper and Lower Bounds for Quantity of Interest in Problems Subject to Epistemic Uncertainty.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2014

An improved binary PSO-based task scheduling algorithm in green cloud computing.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2014

Performance analysis of a selective decode-and-forward cooperative system with SFBC and BICM-OFDM.
Proceedings of the 22nd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, 2013

The HipHop compiler for PHP.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2012

Investigation on USB 2.0 in software-defined radio.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2012

Software-defined Radio based On Cortex-A9.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2012

A novel GPP-based Software-Defined Radio architecture.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2012

A Practical Performance Analysis of CRS-Aided Channel Estimation Algorithms for LTE Downlink System.
Proceedings of the Wireless Internet - 6th International ICST Conference, 2011

Study on Frequency Synchronization in 3GPP LTE System for FDD and TDD Modes.
Proceedings of the Wireless Internet - 6th International ICST Conference, 2011

Semantic Disambiguation in Automatic Semantic Annotation.
Proceedings of the Applied Informatics and Communication - International Conference, 2011

Multi-Agent Coalition Formation Tactic Based on Grid.
J. Softw., 2010

Filter time constant self-adjusting internal model control based on variable domain fuzzy control for time-delay uncertain systems.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2010

An iterative decoding scheme with turbo code and iteratively demapped multi-dimensional QPSK serially concatenated.
Proceedings of the Global Telecommunications Conference, 2005. GLOBECOM '05, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 28 November, 2005

A Virtual Deadline Scheduler for Window-Constrained Service Guarantees.
Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2004), 2004

A time-to-first spike CMOS imager.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2004

An Internet-Wide Distributed System for Data-Stream Processing.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing, 2004

An efficient end-host architecture for cluster communication.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2004), 2004

VLSI Module Placement with Pre-Placed Modules and with Consideration of Congestion Using Solution Space Smoothing.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 2003

VLSI module placement with pre-placed modules and considering congestion using solution space smoothing.
Proceedings of the 2003 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2003
