Xuefeng Zhu

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


Memory Prompt for Spatiotemporal Transformer Visual Object Tracking.
IEEE Trans. Artif. Intell., August, 2024

UniMod1K: Towards a More Universal Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Multi-modal Learning.
Int. J. Comput. Vis., August, 2024

Learning Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Inference Transformer for Coarse-to-Fine Animal Visual Tracking: Algorithm and Benchmark.
Int. J. Comput. Vis., July, 2024

Feature enhancement and coarse-to-fine detection for RGB-D tracking.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2024

Towards accurate unsupervised video captioning with implicit visual feature injection and explicit.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2024

Self-supervised learning for RGB-D object tracking.
Pattern Recognit., 2024

Revisiting RGBT Tracking Benchmarks from the Perspective of Modality Validity: A New Benchmark, Problem, and Method.
CoRR, 2024

Generative-Based Fusion Mechanism for Multi-Modal Tracking.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Exploring fusion strategies for accurate RGBT visual object tracking.
Inf. Fusion, November, 2023

Learning Motion-Perceive Siamese network for robust visual object tracking.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., September, 2023

Learning spatio-temporal discriminative model for affine subspace based visual object tracking.
Vis. Intell., 2023

Evidential Detection and Tracking Collaboration: New Problem, Benchmark and Algorithm for Robust Anti-UAV System.
CoRR, 2023

The 3rd Anti-UAV Workshop & Challenge: Methods and Results.
CoRR, 2023

The First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results.
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Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2023

RGBD1K: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for RGB-D Object Tracking.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023

SI 27: Recent trends in mobile and wireless applications.
Wirel. Networks, 2022

Robust Visual Object Tracking Via Adaptive Attribute-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters.
IEEE Trans. Multim., 2022

Inspection Path Planning of Complex Surface Based on One-Step Inverse Approach and Curvature-Oriented Point Distribution.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2022

Persia: An Open, Hybrid System Scaling Deep Learning-based Recommenders up to 100 Trillion Parameters.
Proceedings of the KDD '22: The 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Washington, DC, USA, August 14, 2022

The Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results.
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Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2022 Workshops, 2022

Complementary Discriminative Correlation Filters Based on Collaborative Representation for Visual Object Tracking.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2021

Adaptive feature fusion for visual object tracking.
Pattern Recognit., 2021

The Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results.
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Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2021

Condition Classification of Water-Filled Underground Siphon Using Acoustic Sensors.
Sensors, 2020

设计模式组合操作优化研究 (Study on Optimization of Design Pattern Combination Operation).
计算机科学, 2020

A Quantum-Inspired Probabilistic Model for the Inverse Design of Meta-Structures.
CoRR, 2020

Isogeometric analysis for trimmed CAD surfaces using multi-sided toric surface patches.
Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 2020

The Eighth Visual Object Tracking VOT2020 Challenge Results.
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Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2020 Workshops, 2020

Data-theoretic methodology and computational platform to quantify organizational factors in socio-technical risk analysis.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 2019

Robust Visual Tracking via Implicit Low-Rank Constraints and Structural Color Histograms.
CoRR, 2019

Adaptive Distraction Context Aware Tracking Based on Correlation Filter.
CoRR, 2019

Meta-neural-network for Realtime and Passive Deep-learning-based Object Recognition.
CoRR, 2019

The Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results.
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Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2019

Simulation-based optimization for urban transportation demand management strategy.
Simul., 2018

模式驱动的软件架构设计研究综述 (Review of Pattern Driven Software Architecture Design).
计算机科学, 2018

Data-driven model-free adaptive sliding mode control for the multi degree-of-freedom robotic exoskeleton.
Inf. Sci., 2016

Nonlinear iterative learning control of 5 DOF upper-limb rehabilitation robot.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2015

A Preliminary Contrastive Study on the Part-of-Speech Classifications of Two Lexicons.
Proceedings of the Chinese Lexical Semantics - 16th Workshop, 2015

A Hypothesis on Word Similarity and Its Application.
Proceedings of the Chinese Lexical Semantics - 15th Workshop, 2014

Binary Coded Output Support Vector Machine.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Technology, 2013

Statistical SDFC: A metric for evaluating test quality of small delay faults.
Proceedings of Technical Program of 2012 VLSI Design, Automation and Test, 2012

Coded Output Support Vector Machine.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications, 2012

Chinese Idiom Knowledge Base for Chinese Information Processing.
Proceedings of the Chinese Lexical Semantics - 13th Workshop, 2012

Research on the Chinese Function Word Usage Knowledge Base.
Int. J. Asian Lang. Process., 2011

The bridge relating process neural networks and traditional neural networks.
Neurocomputing, 2011

Studies on Automatic Recognition of Common Chinese Adverb's usages Based on Statistics Methods.
Proceedings of the CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing, 2010

Comprehensive evaluation method of traditional Chinese medicine fingerprint similarity based on fuzzy RBF neural network.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Control, 2008

A Soft Sensor Based on Multiple Neural Networks Combined with Two Information Fusion Methods.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Control, 2006

A Statistic Study of Three-character Unknown Words in Chinese.
J. Chin. Lang. Comput., 2005

現代漢語中的形式動詞 (Dummy Verbs in Contemporary Chinese).
Int. J. Comput. Linguistics Chin. Lang. Process., 2005

基于現代漢語語法信息詞典的詞語情感評價研究 (Research on Lexical Emotional Evaluation Based on the Grammatical Knowledge-Base of Contemporary Chinese).
Int. J. Comput. Linguistics Chin. Lang. Process., 2005

Ontology-Based Inconsistency Management of Software Requirements Specifications.
Proceedings of the SOFSEM 2005: Theory and Practice of Computer Science, 2005

A New Algorithm of Multi-modality Medical Image Fusion Based on Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the Advances in Natural Computation, First International Conference, 2005

Inconsistency Measurement of Software Requirements Specifications: An Ontology-Based Approach.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2005), 2005

Detecting of Requirements Inconsistency : An Ontology-Based Approach.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2005), 2005

Combination of Wavelet Analysis and Color Applied to Automatic Color Grading of Ceramic Tiles.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004

Application of a sliding window protocol in GPRS-based radio access networks.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control, 2004

Nonlinear identification based on least squares support vector machine.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control, 2004

Root locus analysis of Dahlin controller.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Control, 2004

The Development of Knowledge-base of Generalized Functional Words of Contemporary Chinese.
J. Chin. Lang. Comput., 2003

Application of immunological memory to the color classification of tiles.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003
