Xin Wei

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


Swap-Robust and Almost Supermagic Complete Graphs for Dynamical Distributed Storage.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, August, 2024

Redundant-Coded Masked Grid Pattern for Full-Sky Star Identification.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., August, 2024

Movable-Antenna Position Optimization: A Graph-Based Approach.
IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., July, 2024

High-Performance Refractive Index and Temperature Sensing Based on Toroidal Dipole in All-Dielectric Metasurface.
Sensors, June, 2024

How recommendation letters affect career Mobility:Evidence from a social networking sites LinkedIn.
Comput. Hum. Behav., March, 2024

Evidence-based uncertainty-aware semi-supervised medical image segmentation.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, March, 2024

ConvDarts: a fast and exact convolutional algorithm selector for deep learning frameworks.
CCF Trans. High Perform. Comput., February, 2024

Turing-Hopf Bifurcation Analysis in a Diffusive Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey Model with Allee Effect and Predator Harvesting.
Entropy, January, 2024

Thickness and Conductivity Measurement of Nonferromagnetic Metal Coating Using Apparent Eddy Current Conductivity.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2024

Decoupled Sequential Detection Head for accurate acne detection.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2024

The establishment of transactive memory system in distributed agile teams engaged in AI-related knowledge work.
J. Knowl. Manag., 2024

3D image processing technology based on interactive entertainment application in cultural and creative product design.
Entertain. Comput., 2024

Chrono DEM-Engine: A Discrete Element Method dual-GPU simulator with customizable contact forces and element shape.
Comput. Phys. Commun., 2024

Large-vocabulary forensic pathological analyses via prototypical cross-modal contrastive learning.
CoRR, 2024

Stable α-CsPbI3 with extremely red emission for expanding the color gamut.
Sci. China Inf. Sci., 2024

PhosMap: An ensemble bioinformatic platform to empower interactive analysis of quantitative phosphoproteomics.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2024

Fast, Scalable, and Accurate Rate Limiter for RDMA NICs.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2024 Conference, 2024

Sufficient Sampling Method of Ranking Loss for Acne Detection.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2024

Dragonfly Algorithm Application for Solving the Nurse Scheduling Problem.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, 2024

Pricing Knowledge Services Based on Meta-knowledge: From the Perspective of Knowledge Payment Platform.
Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2024

Syntactic and Semantic Enhanced Text Generation Model for Aspect-based Sentiment Triplet Extraction.
Proceedings of the 2024 5th International Conference on Computing, 2024

Algorithm-Hardware Co-Optimization and Deployment Method for Field-Programmable Gate-Array-Based Convolutional Neural Network Remote Sensing Image Processing.
Remote. Sens., December, 2023

SA-RPN: A Spacial Aware Region Proposal Network for Acne Detection.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, November, 2023

A Novel Angle Segmentation Method for Magnetic Encoders Based on Filtering Window Adaptive Adjustment Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization.
Sensors, October, 2023

Parallel Multistage Wide Neural Network.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst., August, 2023

A Noising-Denoising Framework for Point Cloud Upsampling via Normalizing Flows.
Pattern Recognit., August, 2023

Learning View-Based Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-View 3D Shape Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., June, 2023

Topology-Aware Scheduling Framework for Microservice Applications in Cloud.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., May, 2023

Rice seed size measurement using a rotational perception deep learning model.
Comput. Electron. Agric., February, 2023

Turing-Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of the Sel'kov-Schnakenberg System.
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, January, 2023

Balanced Set Codes With Small Intersections.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2023

DUET: Improving Inertial-Based Odometry via Deep IMU Online Calibration.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2023

An Efficient Multi-Objective Evolutionary Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search Framework for Image Classification.
Int. J. Neural Syst., 2023

DeepPatent2: A Large-Scale Benchmarking Corpus for Technical Drawing Understanding.
CoRR, 2023

Towards Accurate Acne Detection via Decoupled Sequential Detection Head.
CoRR, 2023

Spatiotemporal Exogenous Variables Enhanced Model for Traffic Flow Prediction.
IEEE Access, 2023

Filling in the Blank: Rationale-Augmented Prompt Tuning for TextVQA.
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2023

Pseudo Object Replay and Mining for Incremental Object Detection.
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2023

Spiral Contrastive Learning: An Efficient 3D Representation Learning Method for Unannotated CT Lesions.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2023

Research on Error Compensation Technology of MEMS Accelerometer.
Proceedings of the 2023 8th International Conference on Systems, 2023

Can machine learning algorithms predict publication outcomes? A case study of COVID-19 preprints.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2023

Semi-supervised learning with CNN for low-light images enhancement.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Big Data Technologies, 2023

Unobtrusive Refractive Power Monitoring: Using EOG to Detect Blurred Vision.
Proceedings of the 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2023

ClaimDistiller: Scientific Claim Extraction with Supervised Contrastive Learning.
Proceedings of Joint Workshop of the 4th Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE2023) and the 3rd AI + Informetrics (AII2023) co-located with the JCDL 2023, 2023

Identifying Intimacy of Self-Disclosure: A Design Based on Social Penetration Theory and Deep Learning.
Proceedings of the 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2023

Ensemble Learning to Assess Dynamics of Affective Experience Ratings and Physiological Change.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2023, 2023

GREN: Graph-Regularized Embedding Network for Weakly-Supervised Disease Localization in X-Ray Images.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 2022

Coupling Relationship and Decoupling Method for Thickness and Conductivity Measurement of Ultra-Thin Metallic Coating Using Swept-Frequency Eddy-Current Technique.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2022

k-Level Truthful Incentivizing Mechanism and Generalized k-MAB Problem.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 2022

Multi-UAV Information Fusion and Cooperative Trajectory Optimization in Target Search.
IEEE Syst. J., 2022

Stereo VoVNet-CNN for 3D object detection.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2022

RDPN: Tackling the Data Shift Problem in Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2022

NAS-Based CNN Channel Pruning for Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2022

From Human-AI Confrontation to Human-AI Symbiosis in Society 5.0: Transformation Challenges and Mechanisms.
IT Prof., 2022

Secure Data Sharing: Blockchain-Enabled Data Access Control Framework for IoT.
IEEE Internet Things J., 2022

Spiral Contrastive Learning: An Efficient 3D Representation Learning Method for Unannotated CT Lesions.
CoRR, 2022

Learning High-quality Proposals for Acne Detection.
CoRR, 2022

DNNAbacus: Toward Accurate Computational Cost Prediction for Deep Neural Networks.
CoRR, 2022

EDClust: an EM-MM hybrid method for cell clustering in multiple-subject single-cell RNA sequencing.
Bioinform., 2022

Task Delay Minimization in Multi-UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing System.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2022

Application of Blockchain in Trusted Data Provenance.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, 2022

Learning Generalizable Part-based Feature Representation for 3D Point Clouds.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2022, 2022

Enhancing Semi-Supervised Learning with Cross-Modal Knowledge.
Proceedings of the MM '22: The 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Lisboa, Portugal, October 10, 2022

Visual descriptor extraction from patent figure captions: a case study of data efficiency between BiLSTM and transformer.
Proceedings of the JCDL '22: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2022, Cologne, Germany, June 20, 2022

Creative Mutual Aid Community in the Context of "Internet +".
Proceedings of the ICSLT '22: 8th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies, Rome, Italy, June 10, 2022

GCLO: Ground Constrained LiDAR Odometry with Low-drifts for GPS-denied Indoor Environments.
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2022

Resource Allocation for Wireless-Powered Backscatter Communication Network Based on Nash Bargaining Solution.
Proceedings of the ICCMS 2022: The 14th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Chongqing, China, June 24, 2022

Theory entity extraction for social and behavioral sciences papers using distant supervision.
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 2022

Improving Zero-Shot Entity Linking Candidate Generation with Ultra-Fine Entity Type Information.
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2022

Faint Features Tell: Automatic Vertebrae Fracture Screening Assisted by Contrastive Learning.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2022

Identifying Turnover Contagion in Enterprise Social Networks.
Proceedings of the 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2022

Modeling Temporal-Modal Entity Graph for Procedural Multimodal Machine Comprehension.
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 2022

A Synthetic Prediction Market for Estimating Confidence in Published Work.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022

Segmenting Technical Drawing Figures in US Patents.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Document Understanding co-located with 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Inteligence, 2022

A Research on the Theory and Technology of Trusted Transaction in Modern Service Industry.
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems and Applications, 2022

Optimal Ternary Codes With Weight w and Distance 2w - 2 in ℓ<sub>1</sub>-Metric.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2021

Diagnosis of Bone Mineral Density Based on Backscattering Resonance Phenomenon Using Coregistered Functional Laser Photoacoustic and Ultrasonic Probes.
Sensors, 2021

A Classification Method of Tourism English Talents Based on Feature Mining and Information Fusion Technology.
Mob. Inf. Syst., 2021

Tourism Destination Preference Prediction Based on Edge Computing.
Mob. Inf. Syst., 2021

Mixed-Precision Quantization for CNN-Based Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2021

GREN: Graph-Regularized Embedding Network for Weakly-Supervised Disease Localization in X-ray images.
CoRR, 2021

Entropy-based Optimization via A* Algorithm for Parking Space Recommendation.
CoRR, 2021

Predicting the Reproducibility of Social and Behavioral Science Papers Using Supervised Learning Models.
CoRR, 2021

Ground-SLAM: Ground Constrained LiDAR SLAM for Structured Multi-Floor Environments.
CoRR, 2021

Compound lower limb vibration training rehabilitation robot.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2021

Scalable Wide Neural Network: A Parallel, Incremental Learning Model Using Splitting Iterative Least Squares.
IEEE Access, 2021

X-ray Image Blind Denoising in Hybrid Noise Based on Convolutional Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the WI-IAT '21: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Hybrid Event / Melbourne, VIC, Australia, December 14 - 17, 2021, 2021

A Study on Stress Coping Strategies of Doctors in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Considering Impact of Internet Hospital.
Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2021

Control of multiple DOFs robots using motor imagery EEG combined with Huffman coding.
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 2021

Learning Canonical View Representation for 3D Shape Recognition with Arbitrary Views.
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021

GMH: A General Multi-hop Reasoning Model for KG Completion.
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2021

Design and Implementation of High-efficiency LDPC Encoder Based on DSP.
Proceedings of the CONF-CDS 2021: The 2nd International Conference on Computing and Data Science, 2021

Accurate analysis of big data assists teaching in situational teaching and quality development training of college physical education.
Proceedings of the CIPAE 2021: 2nd International Conference on Computers, 2021

Mining String Feature for Malicious Binary Detection Based on Normalized CNN.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, 2021

A Comparative Study of RNN-based Methods for Web Malicious Code Detection.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, 2021

Weakly Supervised Disease Localization in Chest X-rays via Looking into Image Relations.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2021

Recognizing Figure Labels in Patents.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Document Understanding co-located with 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Inteligence, 2021

Measuring Ultrathin Metallic Coating Properties Using Swept-Frequency Eddy-Current Technique.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2020

Comprehensive Optimization of Energy Storage and Standoff Tracking for Solar-Powered UAV.
IEEE Syst. J., 2020

Optimal business model for the monopolistic ride-hailing platform: Pooling, premier, or hybrid?
Knowl. Based Syst., 2020

How does mobile social media affect knowledge sharing under the "Guanxi" system?
J. Knowl. Manag., 2020

GLDH: Toward more efficient global low-density locality-sensitive hashing for high dimensions.
Inf. Sci., 2020

Covering radius of permutation groups with infinity-norm.
Discret. Math., 2020

Stochastic Optimization of Data Access and Hybrid Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network.
IEEE Access, 2020

Space Debris Detection Using Feature Learning of Candidate Regions in Optical Image Sequences.
IEEE Access, 2020

Image Redundancy Filtering for Panorama Stitching.
IEEE Access, 2020

Optimize Scheduling of Federated Learning on Battery-powered Mobile Devices.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2020

Work-in-Progress - Utilizing Virtual Reality to Promote Active Learning in Construction Management.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, 2020

Image Fusion Method Based on NSCT and Adaptive Sparse Representation.
Proceedings of the ICVIP 2020: The 4th International Conference on Video and Image Processing, 2020

A Machine Learning Method for Measuring Information Disclosure in Sharing Economy Platforms.
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems, 2020

E-Sharing: Data-driven Online Optimization of Parking Location Placement for Dockless Electric Bike Sharing.
Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2020

SCNMLRR: Single Cell Clustering Based on Low-rank Non-negative Matrix Factorization.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science, 2020

Multi-type Source Code Defect Detection Based on TextCNN.
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Cyber Security - Third International Conference, 2020

Code Property Graph-Based Vulnerability Dataset Generation for Source Code Detection.
Proceedings of the Frontiers in Cyber Security - Third International Conference, 2020

Acknowledgement Entity Recognition in CORD-19 Papers.
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing, 2020

Deep Positional and Relational Feature Learning for Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Analysis.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2020, 2020

Object-Based Illumination Estimation with Rendering-Aware Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2020, 2020

View-GCN: View-Based Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Shape Analysis.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2020

A Survey on Deep Learning-Based Source Code Defect Analysis.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, 2020

ShuttleNoC: Power-Adaptable Communication Infrastructure for Many-Core Processors.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 2019

FPGA-Based Hybrid-Type Implementation of Quantized Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Applications.
Sensors, 2019

Enhanced high-frequency precuneus-cortical effective connectivity is associated with decreased sensory gating following total sleep deprivation.
NeuroImage, 2019

HRGE-Net: Hierarchical Relational Graph Embedding Network for Multi-view 3D Shape Recognition.
CoRR, 2019

ExploreBP: A Simulation Tool for Mobile Browser Energy Optimization.
Proceedings of the Simulation Tools and Techniques - 11th International Conference, 2019

Network Traffic Model with Multi-fractal Discrete Wavelet Transform in Power Telecommunication Access Networks.
Proceedings of the Simulation Tools and Techniques - 11th International Conference, 2019

Explore Truthful Incentives for Tasks with Heterogenous Levels of Difficulty in the Sharing Economy.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019

Microorganism Image Counting Based on Multi-threshold Optimization.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2019

An Efficient FPGA-based Floating Random Walk Solver for Capacitance Extraction using SDAccel.
Proceedings of the Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 2019

HeadStart: Enforcing Optimal Inceptions in Pruning Deep Neural Networks for Efficient Inference on GPGPUs.
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference 2019, 2019

FPGA-Based Implementation of Reconfigurable Floating-Point FIR Digital Filter.
Proceedings of the Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2019

A Hybrid Chain Based Incentive Mechanism for Resource Leasing in NDN.
Proceedings of the Cognitive Radio-Oriented Wireless Networks, 2019

Fuzzy Support Vector Machine with Imbalanced Regulator and its Application in Stroke Classification.
Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, 2019

Redeeming chip-level power efficiency by collaborative management of the computation and communication.
Proceedings of the 24th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2019

Variable-length and high-precision FFT processors based on configurable constant factor multipliers and memory reallocations.
IEICE Electron. Express, 2018

OPRCP: approximate nearest neighbor binary search algorithm for hybrid data over WMSN blockchain.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw., 2018

Co-channel Interference of TD-LTE Wireless Network in Smart Grid.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Universal Village, 2018

Tetris: re-architecting convolutional neural network computation for machine learning accelerators.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2018

CPGVA: Code Property Graph based Vulnerability Analysis by Deep Learning.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology, 2018

Hardware Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Remote Sensing Image Classification Method.
Proceedings of the Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2018

Microshell Arrays Enhanced Sensitivity in Detection of Specific Antibody for Reduced Graphene Oxide Optical Sensor.
Sensors, 2017

Stability and Bifurcation Analysis in the Photosensitive CDIMA System with Delayed Feedback Control.
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos, 2017

Turing instability and bifurcation analysis in a diffusive bimolecular system with delayed feedback.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 2017

A wall-following algorithm based on dynamic virtual walls for mobile robots navigation.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics, 2017

Using pseudo electrostatic spring constant to optimize the electromechanical Sigma-Delta accelerometer.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE SENSORS, Glasgow, United Kingdom, October 29, 2017

Automatically difficulty grading method of "instruction system" question bank based on knowledge tree.
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2017

Modified PSO Optimizer for Arrays Pattern Optimization by Efficient Estimations of the Optimum Particle Initial Values.
Proceedings of the Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2017

On Scaling and Accelerating Decentralized Private Blockchains.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), 2017

A multiple regression model-based chemical biology approach to dissect signal transduction pathways downstream of cytokine receptors.
Int. J. Comput. Biol. Drug Des., 2016

The influence of image quality on scene consistency effects: Evidence from the eye tracking.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops, 2016

Preparation of multi-qubit W states in multiple resonators coupled by a superconducting qubit via adiabatic passage.
Quantum Inf. Process., 2015

Analysis and simulation of the neural oscillator for tremor suppression by FES.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2015

Collision-free navigation for mobile robots by grouping obstacles.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2015

Design and realization of a weak signal acquisition system for optical spectrum analysis.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2015

A variant of schnorr signature scheme for path-checking in RFID-based supply chains.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2015

Personality test based on eye tracking techniques.
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2015

Modeling and Analysis of Mobile Cloud Computing Based on Bigraph Theory.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, 2014

OpenSSL HeartBleed: Security Management of Implements of Basic Protocols.
Proceedings of the 2014 Ninth International Conference on P2P, 2014

A Survey of Body Sensor Networks.
Sensors, 2013

System design for monitoring infant speech emotion.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, 2013

Research on Simulation-Experimentation-Based Effectiveness Evaluation of Digitized Force's Command and Control System.
Proceedings of the AsiaSim 2013, 2013

MisDis: An Efficent Misbehavior Discovering Method Based on Accountability and State Machine in VANET.
Proceedings of the Web Technologies and Applications - 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 2013

An Efficient Privacy-Preserving RFID Ownership Transfer Protocol.
Proceedings of the Web Technologies and Applications - 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 2013

Dynamic routing strategies for JIT production in hybrid flow shops.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2012

A simple statistical test to infer the causality of target/phenotype correlation from small molecule phenotypic screens.
Bioinform., 2012

A new sequential optimal sampling method for radial basis functions.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2012

A RFID Path-Checking Protocol Based on Ordered Multisignatures.
Proceedings of the Radio Frequency Identification System Security, 2012

A Privacy-Preserving Path-Checking Solution for RFID-Based Supply Chains.
Proceedings of the Information and Communications Security - 14th International Conference, 2012

Resisting relay attacks on vehicular Passive Keyless Entry and start systems.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2012

Towards privacy-preserving RFID-based location-based services.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2012

Software-defined Radio based On Cortex-A9.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2012

Parallel quantum evolutionary algorithms with Client-Server model for multi-objective optimization on discrete problems.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2012

PUF-Based RFID Authentication Protocol against Secret Key Leakage.
Proceedings of the Web Technologies and Applications - 14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, 2012

Multi Objective Optimization Based Fast Motion Detector.
Proceedings of the Advances in Multimedia Modeling, 2011

Lightweight RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol against Feasible Problems.
Proceedings of the Information and Communications Security - 13th International Conference, 2011

A traceable privacy-preserving authentication protocol for VANETs based on proxy re-signature.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2011

4*4-Pattern and Bayesian Learning in Monte-Carlo Go.
Proceedings of the Advances in Computer Games - 13th International Conference, 2011

Efficient Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Communications with Trustworthy
CoRR, 2010

ACTGIS: A Web-based collaborative tiled Geospatial image map system.
Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2010

A Tracing Approach to Process Migration for Virtual Machine Based on Multicore Platform.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2010

Simulation of corrosion on detection for pulsed eddy current.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2010

Online Constrained Pattern Detection over Streams.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009

PEDS-VM: A Variation Management Prototype for Pattern Evolving Data Streams.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, 2008

Research on a Method of Unambiguous Velocity Measurement of the Space Surveillance Low PRF Radars.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Processing, 2008

Diversity-Based Load Shedding Strategy over Pattern Streams.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008

Classification of 31P MRS Data for Liver Cancer.
Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007, 2007

Feature conversion based on decomposition and combination of swept volumes.
Comput. Aided Des., 2006

Motion stylization using a timing control method.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2006
