Ning Zhang

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


Tri-objective Optimization for Large-Scale Workflow Scheduling and Execution in Clouds.
J. Netw. Syst. Manag., October, 2024

Modeling and realization of image-based garment texture transfer.
Vis. Comput., September, 2024

Secure and Flexible Data Sharing With Dual Privacy Protection in Vehicular Digital Twin Networks.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., September, 2024

An Improved YOLOv8 OBB Model for Ship Detection through Stable Diffusion Data Augmentation.
Sensors, September, 2024

The Observation of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Using the Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar.
Remote. Sens., September, 2024

Attributed Graph Alignment.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, August, 2024

A Simple Event-Based Average Consensus Clock Synchronization Scheme in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks Under Communication Delays.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, August, 2024

Research on Positioning and Navigation System of Greenhouse Mobile Robot Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion.
Sensors, August, 2024

Hospital readmission prediction with hybrid-sampling and self-paced balance learning.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., August, 2024

Improved Multi-Distance ARMF Integrated With LTSA Based Pattern Matching Method and Its Application in Fault Diagnosis.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng., July, 2024

Semi-Global Sampling Control for Semi-Markov Jump Systems With Distributed Delay.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng., July, 2024

Q-A2NN: Quantized All-Adder Neural Networks for Onboard Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
Remote. Sens., July, 2024

6G Non-Terrestrial Networks for Intelligent IoT Services.
IEEE Netw., July, 2024

Toward accurate and realistic garment texture transfer with attention to details.
Neural Comput. Appl., July, 2024

Urban risk assessment model to quantify earthquake-induced elevator passenger entrapment with population heatmap.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng., July, 2024

ADM-SLAM: Accurate and Fast Dynamic Visual SLAM with Adaptive Feature Point Extraction, Deeplabv3pro, and Multi-View Geometry.
Sensors, June, 2024

Cross-modal fabric image-text retrieval based on convolutional neural network and TinyBERT.
Multim. Tools Appl., June, 2024

On the Feasible Region of Efficient Algorithms for Attributed Graph Alignment.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, May, 2024

I'm not upset-I get it: Effects of co-workers' stress cues on help-seekers' social diction and empathy in telecommuting.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., May, 2024

SMC for Discrete Semi-Markov Switching Slow Sampling Singularly Perturbed Models With Applications.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., April, 2024

Fabric image retrieval based on multi-modal feature fusion.
Signal Image Video Process., April, 2024

Multi-Dimensional Fusion of Spectral and Polarimetric Images Followed by Pseudo-Color Algorithm Integration and Mapping in HSI Space.
Remote. Sens., April, 2024

Deep Convolutional Neural Network Compression Method: Tensor Ring Decomposition with Variational Bayesian Approach.
Neural Process. Lett., April, 2024

A multi-scale feature fusion convolutional neural network for facial expression recognition.
Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng., April, 2024

Asynchronous Sliding-Mode Control for Discrete-Time Networked Hidden Stochastic Jump Systems With Cyber Attacks.
IEEE Trans. Cybern., March, 2024

A Single Data Extraction Algorithm for Oblique Photographic Data Based on the U-Net.
Remote. Sens., March, 2024

Artificial intelligence-driven photovoltaic building materials industry: Greenization and digitization innovation conversion of photovoltaic technology based on a novel interval fuzzy field theory decision-making model.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., March, 2024

Novel dual-network autoencoder based adversarial domain adaptation with Wasserstein divergence for fault diagnosis of unlabeled data.
Expert Syst. Appl., March, 2024

Vulnerability Analysis Method Based on Network and Copula Entropy.
Entropy, March, 2024

An Effective Strategy for Sentiment Analysis Based on Complex-Valued Embedding and Quantum Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network.
Axioms, March, 2024

CGOF++: Controllable 3D Face Synthesis With Conditional Generative Occupancy Fields.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., February, 2024

Framework of rod-like crops sorting based on multi-object oriented detection and analysis.
Comput. Electron. Agric., January, 2024

Deep Learning-Assisted Real-Time Wall Shear Stress Measurement on Chicken Embryo Heart Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2024

Knowledge Distillation-Based Lightweight Change Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery for On-Board Processing.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2024

Domain Adaptive Remote Sensing Scene Classification With Middle-Layer Feature Extraction and Nuclear Norm Maximization.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2024

Predicting Credit Bond Default with Deep Learning: Evidence from China.
J. Soc. Comput., 2024

Semi-supervised imbalanced multi-label classification with label propagation.
Pattern Recognit., 2024

Generalized sleep decoding with basal ganglia signals in multiple movement disorders.
npj Digit. Medicine, 2024

CT-Net: Asymmetric compound branch Transformer for medical image segmentation.
Neural Networks, 2024

Application of deep learning in career planning and entrepreneurship of college students.
J. Comput. Methods Sci. Eng., 2024

EnzyACT: A Novel Deep Learning Method to Predict the Impacts of Single and Multiple Mutations on Enzyme Activity.
J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2024

Gender Classification Based on Spatio-Frequency Feature Fusion of OCT Fingerprint Images in the IoT Environment.
IEEE Internet Things J., 2024

SFLL-AD: a self-adaptive and secure logic locking.
IEICE Electron. Express, 2024

DBFiLM: A novel dual-branch frequency improved legendre memory forecasting model for coagulant dosage determination.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2024

IC points weight learning-based GCN and improving feature distribution for industrial fault diagnosis.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2024

Attention-based ConvNeXt with a parallel multiscale dilated convolution residual module for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2024

Optimizing location-routing and demand allocation in the household waste collection system using a branch-and-price algorithm.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2024

Semi-global exponential stabilization of stochastic nonlinear systems with distributed delay under discrete-time state observations and application to circuit systems.
Eur. J. Control, 2024

The effect of different types of comparative reviews on product sales.
Decis. Support Syst., 2024

EUDA: An Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Self-Supervised Vision Transformer.
CoRR, 2024

Enhancing Question Answering on Charts Through Effective Pre-training Tasks.
CoRR, 2024

STHN: Deep Homography Estimation for UAV Thermal Geo-localization with Satellite Imagery.
CoRR, 2024

Maximum Likelihood Estimation on Stochastic Blockmodels for Directed Graph Clustering.
CoRR, 2024

Don't Listen To Me: Understanding and Exploring Jailbreak Prompts of Large Language Models.
CoRR, 2024

Automatic and Universal Prompt Injection Attacks against Large Language Models.
CoRR, 2024

Secure Information Embedding and Extraction in Forensic 3D Fingerprinting.
CoRR, 2024

A New Era in LLM Security: Exploring Security Concerns in Real-World LLM-based Systems.
CoRR, 2024

Bidirectional Autoregressive Diffusion Model for Dance Generation.
CoRR, 2024

CIPO: Efficient, lightweight and programmable packet scheduling.
Comput. Networks, 2024

A scale-adaptive Mask R-CNN strategy for foreground particle segmentation and geometrical analysis of granular aggregates.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2024

Abnormal Electricity Consumption Detection Method for Smart Grid Using Fusion Matrix Completion and Improved Clustering Algorithm.
IEEE Access, 2024

Study on Stray Light Testing and Suppression Techniques for Large-Field of View Multispectral Space Optical Systems.
IEEE Access, 2024

HydraRPC: RPC in the CXL Era.
Proceedings of the 2024 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2024

Planning, Fast and Slow: Online Reinforcement Learning with Action-Free Offline Data via Multiscale Planners.
Proceedings of the Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024

Watermarking of OFDM for Pseudonymetry: Analysis and Experimental Results.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, 2024

M2Doc: A Multi-Modal Fusion Approach for Document Layout Analysis.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Algorithm-Hardware Co-Optimization and Deployment Method for Field-Programmable Gate-Array-Based Convolutional Neural Network Remote Sensing Image Processing.
Remote. Sens., December, 2023

A study on the sustainable development of regional water resources-socio-economic-ecological environment-tourism industry: survey evidence from the Yellow River Basin, China.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., December, 2023

Multi-scale adaptive attention-based time-variant neural networks for multi-step time series forecasting.
Appl. Intell., December, 2023

Protocol-Based SMC for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Semi-Markovian Jumping Systems With Channel Fading.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., November, 2023

Combined Retrieval of Oil Film Thickness Using Hyperspectral and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing.
Remote. Sens., November, 2023

Adversarial self-attentive time-variant neural networks for multi-step time series forecasting.
Expert Syst. Appl., November, 2023

Solution of High-Order Nonlinear Integrable Systems Using Darboux Transformation.
Axioms, November, 2023

A hybrid-driven remaining useful life prediction method combining asymmetric dual-channel autoencoder and nonlinear Wiener process.
Appl. Intell., November, 2023

Novel Regularization Double Preserving Integrated With Neighborhood Locality Projections for Fault Diagnosis.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, October, 2023

Event-Triggered SMC for Networked Markov Jumping Systems With Channel Fading and Applications: Genetic Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Cybern., October, 2023

Semi-global exponential stability of stochastic nonlinear functional sampling systems by emulation approach.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., October, 2023

Sparse precision matrix estimation with missing observations.
Comput. Stat., September, 2023

Time Series Multi-Step Forecasting Based on Memory Network for the Prognostics and Health Management in Freight Train Braking System.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., August, 2023

A cross-national study on the excessive use of short-video applications among college students.
Comput. Hum. Behav., August, 2023

Enabling Long-Term Cooperation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning: A Repeated Game Perspective.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., July, 2023

Correction: Zhang, N.; Lin, C. The Image Definition Assessment of Optoelectronic Tracking Equipment Based on the BRISQUE Algorithm with Gaussian Weights. Sensors 2023, 23, 1621.
Sensors, July, 2023

SG-Det: Shuffle-GhostNet-Based Detector for Real-Time Maritime Object Detection in UAV Images.
Remote. Sens., July, 2023

Novel Method for Determining the Height of the Stable Boundary Layer under Low-Level Jet by Judging the Shape of the Wind Velocity Variance Profile.
Remote. Sens., July, 2023

A fast inertial self-adaptive projection based algorithm for solving large-scale nonlinear monotone equations.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., July, 2023

Consensus-Based Time Synchronization Using Bayesian Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks Under Communication Delays.
IEEE Syst. J., June, 2023

Identification for the Low-Contrast Image Signal with Regularized Variational Term and Dynamical Saturating Nonlinearity.
J. Syst. Sci. Complex., June, 2023

Optimal Reinsurance and Dividend Under Model Uncertainty.
J. Syst. Sci. Complex., June, 2023

MTYOLOX: Multi-transformers-enabled YOLO for tree-level apple inflorescences detection and density mapping.
Comput. Electron. Agric., June, 2023

Farthest-Nearest Distance Neighborhood and Locality Projections Integrated With Bootstrap for Industrial Process Fault Diagnosis.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, May, 2023

Learning Adversarial Transformer for Symbolic Music Generation.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst., April, 2023

A Robust Variability Index CFAR Detector for Weibull Background.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., April, 2023

Stability of stochastic state-dependent delayed complex networks under stochastic hybrid impulsive control.
Syst. Control. Lett., April, 2023

Improved Locality Preserving Projections Based on Heat-Kernel and Cosine Weights for Fault Classification in Complex Industrial Processes.
IEEE Trans. Reliab., March, 2023

On the Ion Line Calibration by Plasma Line in ISR Measurements.
Remote. Sens., March, 2023

Loan Default Prediction Based on Convolutional Neural Network and LightGBM.
Int. J. Data Warehous. Min., March, 2023

A stochastic programming approach to enhance the resilience of infrastructure under weather-related risk.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng., March, 2023

The Image Definition Assessment of Optoelectronic Tracking Equipment Based on the BRISQUE Algorithm with Gaussian Weights.
Sensors, February, 2023

Hybrid multi-delay impulsive control for synchronisation of multi-links stochastic delayed complex networks with semi-Markov jump.
Int. J. Control, February, 2023

Robots' picking efficiency and pickers' energy expenditure: the item storage assignment policy in robotic mobile fulfillment system.
Comput. Ind. Eng., February, 2023

Adaptive Aquila Optimizer Combining Niche Thought with Dispersed Chaotic Swarm.
Sensors, January, 2023

GPGPS: a robust prognostic gene pair signature of glioma ensembling <i>IDH</i> mutation and 1p/19q co-deletion.
Bioinform., January, 2023

Novel Bootstrap-Based Discriminant NPE Integrated With Orthogonal LPP for Fault Diagnosis.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2023

All Adder Neural Networks for On-Board Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2023

Garment reconstruction from a single-view image based on pixel-aligned implicit function.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2023

Emerging trends and developments in green supplier management: A bibliometric review and analysis.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 2023

A new intonation quality evaluation method based on self-supervised learning.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 2023

An approximate gradient-type method for nonlinear symmetric equations with convex constraints.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2023

Stochastic mixed impulsive control and stability for stochastic functional differential systems with semi-Markov jump.
Neurocomputing, 2023

Research on emotional semantic retrieval of attention mechanism oriented to audio-visual synesthesia.
Neurocomputing, 2023

Evaluation Index System of Green Public Open Space Based on Internet of Things and Mental Health.
Data Intell., 2023

Exploring the Limits of ChatGPT in Software Security Applications.
CoRR, 2023

You Only Look at Once for Real-time and Generic Multi-Task.
CoRR, 2023

Event-Driven Imaging in Turbid Media: A Confluence of Optoelectronics and Neuromorphic Computation.
CoRR, 2023

A Multi-Factor Homomorphic Encryption based Method for Authenticated Access to IoT Devices.
CoRR, 2023

ChargeX: Exploring State Switching Attack on Electric Vehicle Charging Systems.
CoRR, 2023

Channel-Aware Distillation Transformer for Depth Estimation on Nano Drones.
CoRR, 2023

HSTFormer: Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Transformers for 3D Human Pose Estimation.
CoRR, 2023

Stability of China's Stock Market: Measure and Forecast by Ricci Curvature on Network.
Complex., 2023

Finite-time control for discrete-time nonlinear Markov switching LPV systems with DoS attacks.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2023

Robust Emotion Recognition Across Diverse Scenes: A Deep Neural Network Approach Integrating Contextual Cues.
IEEE Access, 2023

Multi-Criteria Path Finding Using Multi-Queues Based Bidirectional Search for Multiple Target Nodes in Networks.
IEEE Access, 2023

Que2Engage: Embedding-based Retrieval for Relevant and Engaging Products at Facebook Marketplace.
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 2023

A Systematic Literature Review of Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Enterprises: Bibliometric Analysis and Knowledge Framework.
Proceedings of the E-Business. Digital Empowerment for an Intelligent Future, 2023

Does Digital Transformation Promote Breakthrough Green Innovation? Empirical Evidence from Listed Chinese Manufacturing Companies.
Proceedings of the 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2023

Fine-Grained Music Plagiarism Detection: Revealing Plagiarists through Bipartite Graph Matching and a Comprehensive Large-Scale Dataset.
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2023

Urban Rail Revenue Reconciliation Method Based on Passenger Boarding Probability.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, 2023

Oil Spills and Emulsions Identification Using Random Forest Model.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2023

Retrieve the Visible Feature to Improve Thermal Pedestrian Detection Using Discrepancy Preserving Memory Network.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2023

Prior-Enhanced Temporal Action Localization Using Subject-Aware Spatial Attention.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2023

An Extremely Pipelined FPGA-based accelerator of All Adder Neural Networks for On-board Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Field Programmable Technology, 2023

Short-Term Load Forecasting Method Based on PE-SFTCN-BILSTM Network.
Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering, 2023

Partial Triple Modular Redundancy Method for Fault-Tolerant Circuit based on HITS Algorithm.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems, 2023

Lite-Mono: A Lightweight CNN and Transformer Architecture for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023

Smart Energy Platform for Large-space Stadium Construction Based on Internet of Things.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2023

Learning Hierarchical Robot Skills Represented by Behavior Trees from Natural Language.
Proceedings of the Cooperative Information Systems - 29th International Conference, 2023

A A 22nm 0.43pJ/SOP Sparsity-Aware In-Memory Neuromorphic Computing System with Hybrid Spiking and Artificial Neural Network and Configurable Topology.
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2023

Fusing Structural and Functional Connectivities Using Disentangled VAE for Detecting MCI.
Proceedings of the Brain Informatics - 16th International Conference, 2023

Secure Mutual Aid Service Scheme Based on Blockchain and Attribute-Based Encryption in Time Bank.
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems and Applications, 2023

Will Data Sharing Scheme Based on Blockchain and Weighted Attribute-Based Encryption.
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems and Applications, 2023

Short Repudiable Ring Signature: Constant Size and Less Overhead.
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems and Applications, 2023

Global Profiling of 2-hydroxyisobutyrylome in Common Wheat.
Genom. Proteom. Bioinform., August, 2022

Impact of 3-D urban landscape patterns on the outdoor thermal environment: A modelling study with SOLWEIG.
Comput. Environ. Urban Syst., 2022

Optimal Energy Operation Strategy for We-Energy of Energy Internet Based on Hybrid Reinforcement Learning With Human-in-the-Loop.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst., 2022

Counteracting Dark Web Text-Based CAPTCHA with Generative Adversarial Learning for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence.
ACM Trans. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2022

LoRa Backscatter Assisted State Estimator for Micro Aerial Vehicles With Online Initialization.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., 2022

A Wearable Ultrasound Interface for Prosthetic Hand Control.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 2022

Novel K-Medoids Based SMOTE Integrated With Locality Preserving Projections for Fault Diagnosis.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2022

Event-Triggered Distributed Hybrid Control Scheme for the Integrated Energy System.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 2022

Moon Imaging Technique and Experiments Based on Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2022

GF-4 Satellite Fire Detection With an Improved Contextual Algorithm.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2022

Design of civil aviation security check passenger identification system based on residual convolution network.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Scalable Inf. Syst., 2022

Research on Variable Parameter Drilling Method of Ti-CFRP-Ti Laminated Stacks Based on Real-Time Sensing of Drilling Axial Force.
Sensors, 2022

High-Accuracy 3D Gaze Estimation with Efficient Recalibration for Head-Mounted Gaze Tracking Systems.
Sensors, 2022

Joint optimization of condition-based maintenance policy and buffer capacity for a two-unit series system.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 2022

Maintenance policy optimization for multi-component systems considering dynamic importance of components.
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 2022

Initial Tropospheric Wind Observations by Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Training a Disaster Victim Detection Network for UAV Search and Rescue Using Harmonious Composite Images.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Automatic Deployment of Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGA for Spaceborne Remote Sensing Application.
Remote. Sens., 2022

The Effect of Space Objects on Ionospheric Observations: Perspective of SYISR.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Focused Lunar Imaging Experiment Using the Back Projection Algorithm Based on Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar.
Remote. Sens., 2022

Dexterity Analysis and Motion Optimization of In-Situ Torsionally-Steerable Flexible Surgical Robots.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 2022

Design and Kinematic Modeling of In-Situ Torsionally-Steerable Flexible Surgical Robots.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 2022

On-demand UAV base station deployment for wireless service of crowded tourism areas.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2022

Auto uning of price prediction models for high-frequency trading via reinforcement learning.
Pattern Recognit., 2022

Self-attention-based time-variant neural networks for multi-step time series forecasting.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2022

RDPN: Tackling the Data Shift Problem in Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2022

NAS-Based CNN Channel Pruning for Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2022

MFST: A Multi-Level Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2022

An Automatic Target Detection Method Based on Multidirection Dictionary Learning for HFSWR.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2022

Does a gender-neutral name associate with the research impact of a scientist?
J. Informetrics, 2022

Further divided gender gaps in research productivity and collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from coronavirus-related literature.
J. Informetrics, 2022

Stability of stochastic delayed semi-Markov jump systems with stochastic mixed impulses: A novel stochastic impulsive differential inequality.
J. Frankl. Inst., 2022

Library on-shelf book segmentation and recognition based on deep visual features.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2022

Face Detection Based on Dynamic Min Size and Dense Connection.
Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell., 2022

Flood risk assessment and application of risk curves for design of mitigation strategies.
Int. J. Crit. Infrastructure Prot., 2022

An Automated Behaviour-Based Clustering of IoT Botnets.
Future Internet, 2022

A novel image retrieval strategy based on transfer learning and hand-crafted features for wool fabric.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2022

Enhancement of neural networks with an alternative activation function tanhLU.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2022

Candidate-plots-based dynamic programming algorithm for track-before-detect.
Digit. Signal Process., 2022

PieTrack: An MOT solution based on synthetic data training and self-supervised domain adaptation.
CoRR, 2022

FadMan: Federated Anomaly Detection across Multiple Attributed Networks.
CoRR, 2022

Hierarchical BERT for Medical Document Understanding.
CoRR, 2022

LoopITR: Combining Dual and Cross Encoder Architectures for Image-Text Retrieval.
CoRR, 2022

Unsupervised Vision-and-Language Pre-training via Retrieval-based Multi-Granular Alignment.
CoRR, 2022

CommerceMM: Large-Scale Commerce MultiModal Representation Learning with Omni Retrieval.
CoRR, 2022

APT-Net: Adaptive encoding and parallel decoding transformer for medical image segmentation.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2022

Multi-scale feature similarity-based weakly supervised lymphoma segmentation in PET/CT images.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2022

Validation of a system for automatic quantitative analysis of laboratory mice behavior based on locomotor pose.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2022

Portfolio Selection with Regularization.
Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res., 2022

Observer-based sliding mode control for fuzzy stochastic switching systems with deception attacks.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2022

Magnetic Anomaly Detection Method Based on Feature Fusion and Isolation Forest Algorithm.
IEEE Access, 2022

MEBV: Resource Optimization for Packet Classification Based on Mapping Encoding Bit Vectors.
Proceedings of the Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, 2022

Multi-region SRAM-Based TCAM for Longest Prefix.
Proceedings of the Science of Cyber Security - 4th International Conference, 2022

Design and Kinematic Modeling of a Concentric Torsionally-Steerable Flexible Surgical Robot.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2022

Pseudonymetry: Precise, Private Closed Loop Control for Spectrum Reuse with Passive Receivers.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on RFID, 2022

Controllable 3D Face Synthesis with Conditional Generative Occupancy Fields.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2022, 2022

Accurate and Robust Lesion RECIST Diameter Prediction and Segmentation with Transformers.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2022, 2022

CommerceMM: Large-Scale Commerce MultiModal Representation Learning with Omni Retrieval.
Proceedings of the KDD '22: The 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Washington, DC, USA, August 14, 2022

Method of Accessing the Urban Public Space from GF-2 Image by Indicator SDG 11.7.1.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2022

Visual Analysis of the National Characteristics of the COVID-19 Vaccine Based on Knowledge Graph.
Proceedings of the Data Science, 2022

Automatic Lumbar Vertebra Landmark Localization and Segmentation for Pedicle Screw Placement.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2022

Wearable Ultrasound Interface for Prosthetic Hand Manipulation.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Robotics and Applications - 15th International Conference, 2022

Multiple Anomaly Alignments on Network Traffics.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph, 2022

Co-designing the Next Generation Automatic Driving Vehicle HMI Interface with Lead-Users.
Proceedings of the HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems, 2022

FaD-VLP: Fashion Vision-and-Language Pre-training towards Unified Retrieval and Captioning.
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022

Unsupervised Vision-and-Language Pretraining via Retrieval-based Multi-Granular Alignment.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022

Novel Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis Method based on CSMOTE integrated with LSDA and LightGBM for Industrial Process.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control, 2022

CSTGAN: Cycle Swin Transformer GAN for Unpaired Infrared Image Colorization.
Proceedings of the CCRIS 2022: 3rd International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System, Virtual Event, China, August 26, 2022

Research on scheduling path planning of multi-objective unmanned tractor based on reinforcement learning method.
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligent Systems, 2022

Hybrid Learning Algorithm of Radial Basis Function Networks for Reliability Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Reliab., 2021

Fabric Retrieval Based on Multi-Task Learning.
IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2021

Fault Diagnosis Using Improved Discrimination Locality Preserving Projections Integrated With Sparse Autoencoder.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2021

Distributed Adaptive Dual Control via Consensus Algorithm in the Energy Internet.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 2021

Simulation of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar Tristatic System.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2021

CFAR Detection Based on Adaptive Tight Frame and Weighted Group-Sparsity Regularization for OTHR.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2021

CFAR Detection Based on the Nonlocal Low-Rank and Sparsity-Driven Laplacian Regularization for HFSWR.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 2021

Thin Cloud Removal for Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks Combined With an Imaging Model.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2021

Bayesian Constrained Energy Minimization for Hyperspectral Target Detection.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2021

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery Generation From RGB Images Based on Joint Discrimination.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2021

Multi-attention embedded network for salient object detection.
Soft Comput., 2021

An Efficient Linearly Convergent Regularized Proximal Point Algorithm for Fused Multiple Graphical Lasso Problems.
SIAM J. Math. Data Sci., 2021

A Semantic SLAM System for Catadioptric Panoramic Cameras in Dynamic Environments.
Sensors, 2021

Real-Time Learning and Recognition of Assembly Activities Based on Virtual Reality Demonstration.
Sensors, 2021

A Mosaic Method for Side-Scan Sonar Strip Images Based on Curvelet Transform and Resolution Constraints.
Sensors, 2021

Detecting Low-Intensity Fires in East Asia Using VIIRS Data: An Improved Contextual Algorithm.
Remote. Sens., 2021

Spatial Downscaling of Land Surface Temperature Based on a Multi-Factor Geographically Weighted Machine Learning Model.
Remote. Sens., 2021

Retrieving High-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from GF-4 PMS Imagery in Eastern China.
Remote. Sens., 2021

Small sample color fundus image quality assessment based on gcforest.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2021

How Does Online Brand Community Climate Influence Community Identification? The Mediation of Social Capital.
J. Theor. Appl. Electron. Commer. Res., 2021

Sustainable supply chain management under big data: a bibliometric analysis.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag., 2021

Transient performance of a solar humidification-dehumidification desalination system based on hollow fiber membrane.
J. Comput. Des. Eng., 2021

A dual based semismooth Newton-type algorithm for solving large-scale sparse Tikhonov regularization problems.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2021

On the Riemann-Hilbert problem for the mixed Chen-Lee-Liu derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2021

What can you perceive? Understanding user's information quality judgment on academic social networking sites.
Inf. Res., 2021

Stability for multi-links stochastic delayed complex networks with semi-Markov jump under hybrid multi-delay impulsive control.
Neurocomputing, 2021

ViBreathe: Heart Rate Variability Enhanced Respiration Training for Workaday Stress Management via an Eyes-Free Tangible Interface.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2021

Optimal allocation of defensive resources to defend urban power networks against different types of attackers.
Int. J. Crit. Infrastructure Prot., 2021

Music Plagiarism Detection via Bipartite Graph Matching.
CoRR, 2021

Melody Structure Transfer Network: Generating Music with Separable Self-Attention.
CoRR, 2021

Deriving Autism Spectrum Disorder Functional Networks from RS-FMRI Data using Group ICA and Dictionary Learning.
CoRR, 2021

Construction of a smart management system for physical health based on IoT and cloud computing with big data.
Comput. Commun., 2021

Physical education teaching for saving energy in basketball sports athletics using Hidden Markov and Motion Model.
Comput. Intell., 2021

Efficient fine-texture image retrieval using deep multi-view hashing.
Comput. Graph., 2021

Visual classification of apple bud-types via attention-guided data enrichment network.
Comput. Electron. Agric., 2021

Adaptive multi-source multi-view latent feature learning for inferring potential disease-associated miRNAs.
Briefings Bioinform., 2021

FifBase: a comprehensive fertility-associated indicators factor database for domestic animals.
Briefings Bioinform., 2021

Application of LSTM approach for modelling stress-strain behaviour of soil.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2021

A multiobjective multiperiod mean-semientropy-skewness model for uncertain portfolio selection.
Appl. Intell., 2021

An Automated and Comprehensive Framework for IoT Botnet Detection and Analysis (IoT-BDA).
IEEE Access, 2021

Reduce the Waveform Distortion Using High-Order Harmonical Driving Current for a Vibrator.
IEEE Access, 2021

A Novel Method for Malicious Implanted Computer Video Cable Detection via Electromagnetic Features.
Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2021

Dynamic Resource Scheduling Of Container-based Edge IoT Agents.
Proceedings of the 17th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021

Attributed Graph Alignment.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2021

An Area-Efficient Low Quiescent Current Output Capacitor-Less LDO with Fast Transient Response.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2021

Application of Leading Indicator Forecasting Based on Optimal Transmission in Financial Technology.
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2021

Participatory Teaching Service Design and Innovation.
Proceedings of the Design, User Experience, and Usability: UX Research and Design, 2021

Connecting What To Say With Where To Look by Modeling Human Attention Traces.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2021

Abnormal Transaction Detection based on Graph Networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, 2021

Energy-Efficient Cooperative Offloading for Multi-AP MEC in IoT Networks.
Proceedings of the Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, 2021

Phase Demodulation Method for Low SNR Laser Doppler Signals.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, 2021

Research on Hyperspectral Anomaly Target Detection Algorithm Based on Dual Window Subspace Projection.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, 2021

Compensating Delays and Noises in Motion Control of Autonomous Electric Vehicles by Using Deep Learning and Unscented Kalman Predictor.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst., 2020

Intelligent Missing Shots' Reconstruction Using the Spatial Reciprocity of Green's Function Based on Deep Learning.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., 2020

A Parallel Augmented Subspace Method for Eigenvalue Problems.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2020

A Proximal Point Dual Newton Algorithm for Solving Group Graphical Lasso Problems.
SIAM J. Optim., 2020

A Review of Advanced Technologies and Development for Hyperspectral-Based Plant Disease Detection in the Past Three Decades.
Remote. Sens., 2020

Multiscale Deep Spatial Feature Extraction Using Virtual RGB Image for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification.
Remote. Sens., 2020

Downscaling TRMM Monthly Precipitation Using Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Computing.
Remote. Sens., 2020

Comparison of Different Cropland Classification Methods under Diversified Agroecological Conditions in the Zambezi River Basin.
Remote. Sens., 2020

PremPS: Predicting the impact of missense mutations on protein stability.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2020

An efficient Hessian based algorithm for solving large-scale sparse group Lasso problems.
Math. Program., 2020

A linearly convergent majorized ADMM with indefinite proximal terms for convex composite programming and its applications.
Math. Comput., 2020

The Effect of Auditing on Promoting Exports: Evidence from Private Firms in Emerging Markets.
Manag. Sci., 2020

DSSNet: A Simple Dilated Semantic Segmentation Network for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2020

Including a Nugget Effect in Lifted Brownian Covariance Models.
SIAM/ASA J. Uncertain. Quantification, 2020

The means-end cognitions of perceived information quality in academic social networking sites.
J. Libr. Inf. Sci., 2020

Saddle point approximation approaches for two-stage robust optimization problems.
J. Glob. Optim., 2020

E-book adoption behaviors through an online sharing platform.
Inf. Technol. People, 2020

Hierarchical Point Matching Method Based on Triangulation Constraint and Propagation.
ISPRS Int. J. Geo Inf., 2020

Portfolio formation with preselection using deep learning from long-term financial data.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2020

A robust constant false alarm rate detector based on the Bayesian estimator for the non-homogeneous Weibull Clutter in HFSWR.
Digit. Signal Process., 2020

Binary Black-box Evasion Attacks Against Deep Learning-based Static Malware Detectors with Adversarial Byte-Level Language Model.
CoRR, 2020

3D Aggregated Faster R-CNN for General Lesion Detection.
CoRR, 2020

Research on How Human Intelligence, Consciousness, and Cognitive Computing Affect the Development of Artificial Intelligence.
Complex., 2020

A parallel generalized conjugate gradient method for large scale eigenvalue problems.
CCF Trans. High Perform. Comput., 2020

A two-level mixed-integer programming model for bridge replacement prioritization.
Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng., 2020

Can sustainable operations achieve economic benefit and energy saving for manufacturing industries in China?
Ann. Oper. Res., 2020

An application of sparse-group lasso regularization to equity portfolio optimization and sector selection.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2020

On the Riemann-Hilbert problem of the Kundu equation.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2020

Research on the Model and the Location Method of Ship Shaft-Rate Magnetic Field Based on Rotating Magnetic Dipole.
IEEE Access, 2020

Real-Time Dynamic Earth-Pressure Regulation Model for Shield Tunneling by Integrating GRU Deep Learning Method With GA Optimization.
IEEE Access, 2020

Fully Automatic Prediction for Efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy in Clinical Port-Wine Stains Treatment: A Pilot Study.
IEEE Access, 2020

A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Energy-harvesting UAV-aided Data Collection.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2020

Novel design of Hardware Trojan: A generic approach for defeating testability based detection.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, 2020

A Load Balancing-Based Real-Time Traffic Redirection Method for Edge Networks.
Proceedings of the Simulation Tools and Techniques - 12th EAI International Conference, 2020

Performance Modeling and Evaluation of a Production Disaggregated Memory System.
Proceedings of the MEMSYS 2020: The International Symposium on Memory Systems, 2020

Dynamically Split the Traffic in Software Defined Network Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Proceedings of the 16th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2020

An End-to-end System for Pests and Diseases Identification.
Proceedings of the IVSP '20: 2nd International Conference on Image, 2020

A Generative Adversarial Learning Framework for Breaking Text-Based CAPTCHA in the Dark Web.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2020

Identifying, Collecting, and Monitoring Personally Identifiable Information: From the Dark Web to the Surface Web.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2020

A Spatially Constrained Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Nerve Fiber Segmentation in Corneal Confocal Microscopic Images Using Inaccurate Annotations.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2020

RF Backscatter-based State Estimation for Micro Aerial Vehicles.
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2020

Weakly Supervised Body Part Segmentation with Pose based Part Priors.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2020

A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for In Vitro Fertilization Treatment.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, 2020

Rethinking the Defocus Blur Detection Problem and a Real-Time Deep DBD Model.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2020, 2020

Airport Aircraft Target Detection Based on Space Spectrum Feature Fusion.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems, 2020

Use of "Internal Knowledge": Biomedical Literature Search Liberated From External Resources.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2020

Do neutral names have an influence on scientists' research impact.
Proceedings of the Information for a Sustainable World: Addressing Society's Grand Challenges, 2020

Kinematics and Orientation Workspace of a 3-DOF Parallel Robotic Wrist Actuated by Spherical Four-Bar Linkages.
Proceedings of the Advances in Robot Kinematics 2020, 2020

Context-Aware Zero-Shot Recognition.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020

The Dual Control With Consideration of Security Operation and Economic Efficiency for Energy Hub.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2019

Technology Development for Simultaneous Wearable Monitoring of Cerebral Hemodynamics and Blood Pressure.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 2019

Fast and Robust Monocular Visua-Inertial Odometry Using Points and Lines.
Sensors, 2019

Detailed Urban Land Use Land Cover Classification at the Metropolitan Scale Using a Three-Layer Classification Scheme.
Sensors, 2019

Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation in the Sparsely Gauged Zambezi River Basin Using Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine.
Remote. Sens., 2019

CoinNet: Copy Initialization Network for Multispectral Imagery Semantic Segmentation.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2019

图像超分辨率全局残差递归网络 (Global Residual Recursive Network for Image Super-resolution).
计算机科学, 2019

基于堆栈降噪自编码网络的个人信用风险评估方法 (Individual Credit Risk Assessment Based on Stacked Denoising Autoencoder Networks).
计算机科学, 2019

A multi-period regret minimization model for uncertain portfolio selection with bankruptcy constraint.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 2019

Analyzing stock market trends using social media user moods and social influence.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 2019

Understanding the Propagation and Control Strategies of Congestion in Urban Rail Transit Based on Epidemiological Dynamics Model.
Inf., 2019

A new revocable reputation evaluation system based on blockchain.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Netw., 2019

A new approximate image verification mechanism in cloud computing.
Int. J. Embed. Syst., 2019

Region-based trilateral filter for depth video coding.
Int. J. Embed. Syst., 2019

Alignment of business in robotic process automation.
Int. J. Crowd Sci., 2019

3D Anchor-Free Lesion Detector on Computed Tomography Scans.
CoRR, 2019

An Eigenwise Parallel Augmented Subspace Method for Eigenvalue Problems.
CoRR, 2019

Weakly Supervised Body Part Parsing with Pose based Part Priors.
CoRR, 2019

Identification and expression analysis of <i>StGRAS</i> gene family in potato (<i>Solanum tuberosum</i> L.).
Comput. Biol. Chem., 2019

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of StTCP transcription factors of potato (<i>Solanum tuberosum</i> L.).
Comput. Biol. Chem., 2019

Re-observation on localized waves constructed by variable separation solutions of (1+1)-dimensional coupled integrable dispersionless equations via the projective Riccati equation method.
Appl. Math. Lett., 2019

Construction of solutions for an integrable differential-difference equation by Darboux-Bäcklund transformation.
Appl. Math. Comput., 2019

Investigation on Performance of Neural Networks Using Quadratic Relative Error Cost Function.
IEEE Access, 2019

Effects of the Driver's Disturbance Risk Preference Heterogeneity and its System Thresholds on Traffic Flow Instability.
IEEE Access, 2019

Fabric Image Retrieval System Using Hierarchical Search Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network.
IEEE Access, 2019

Combined Use of FCN and Harris Corner Detection for Counting Wheat Ears in Field Conditions.
IEEE Access, 2019

Eye-to-Hand Robotic Visual Tracking Based on Template Matching on FPGAs.
IEEE Access, 2019

Cell Nuclei Detection and Segmentation for Computational Pathology Using Deep Learning.
Proceedings of the 2019 Spring Simulation Conference, 2019

Nonlinear Bragg Scattering for Coherent Addition of Light Waves and Its Applications.
Proceedings of the 2019 24th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2019 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC), 2019

First Demonstration of an FPGA-Controlled Multiplane OAM-Wavelength Packet Switch.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2019

Identifying High-Impact Opioid Products and Key Sellers in Dark Net Marketplaces: An Interpretable Text Analytics Approach.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2019

Dark-Net Ecosystem Cyber-Threat Intelligence (CTI) Tool.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2019

Greedy Algorithm for Generator Start-Up Sequence Optimization in Power System Restoration Considering Transmission Path.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, 2019

Research on Control Strategy of Excitation-loss for DSEM based on Full-bridge Converter.
Proceedings of the IECON 2019, 2019

AFP-Net: Realtime Anchor-Free Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy.
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2019

Mini Lesions Detection on Diabetic Retinopathy Images via Large Scale CNN Features.
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2019

A Dual-polarized Antennas Based Directional Modulation Scheme.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Telecommunications, 2019

A Method of Intention Discovery Based on Scientific Collaboration Information.
Proceedings of the Advances in Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2019), Kunming, China, July 20-22, 2019, 2019

People Re-Identification by Multi-Branch CNN with Multi-Scale Features.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2019

Laplace Landmark Localization.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2019

Dynamic Kernel Distillation for Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2019

Automatic Singing Evaluation without Reference Melody Using Bi-dense Neural Network.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2019

Feedback Adversarial Learning: Spatial Feedback for Improving Generative Adversarial Networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019

FPGA-Based Implementation of Reconfigurable Floating-Point FIR Digital Filter.
Proceedings of the Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2019

Policy multi-region integration for video description.
Proceedings of the ACM Turing Celebration Conference - China, 2019

A Fully on-Chip Digitally Assisted LDO Regulator With Improved Regulation and Transient Responses.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2018

Assessing the Defoliation of Pine Forests in a Long Time-Series and Spatiotemporal Prediction of the Defoliation Using Landsat Data.
Remote. Sens., 2018

PremPDI estimates and interprets the effects of missense mutations on protein-DNA interactions.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2018

Mixed integer nonlinear programming for three-dimensional aircraft conflict avoidance.
PeerJ Prepr., 2018

Preliminary exploration of survival analysis using the OHDSI common data model: a case study of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., 2018

The optimization ordering model for intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations with utility functions.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2018

基于扩维的卷积网络及脉象识别应用 (Pulse Condition Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network with Dimension Enlarging).
计算机科学, 2018

The Key to The Future Development of Interactive Art - Virtual Reality Technology.
J. Multim. Inf. Syst., 2018

Joint Spatio-Temporal Domain for Adaptive Kronecker Compressive Sensing.
J. Inf. Hiding Multim. Signal Process., 2018

Consensus Modelling on Interval-Valued Fuzzy Preference Relations with Normal Distribution.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst., 2018

Sustainable endogenous growth model of multiple regions: Reconciling OR and economic perspectives.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2018

An Aggressive Genetic Programming Approach for Searching Neural Network Structure Under Computational Constraints.
CoRR, 2018

Effects of rewiring strategies on information spreading in complex dynamic networks.
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul., 2018

Consensus decision models for preferential voting with abstentions.
Comput. Ind. Eng., 2018

Consensus modeling with cost chance constraint under uncertainty opinions.
Appl. Soft Comput., 2018

Virtual Belt Algorithm for the Management of Isolated Autonomous Intersection.
Algorithms, 2018

A CFAR Detector Based on a Robust Combined Method With Spatial Information and Sparsity Regularization in Non-Homogeneous Weibull Clutter.
IEEE Access, 2018

Multi-Byte Power Analysis: A Generic Approach Based on Linear Regression.
IEEE Access, 2018

Self-disclosure in Social Network Sites: An Integration of Stimulus-Organism-Response Paradigm and Privacy Calculus Model.
Proceedings of the 17th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2018

Research on Balance Strategy of Supervision and Incentive of P2P Lending Platform.
Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2018

Silicon Photonics Platform for 400G Data Center Applications.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition, 2018

A Wide-Load-Range Mixed-Mode LDO Regulator with Single-Transistor-Assisted Buffer.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference, 2018

A 0.5V 46.2ppm°C CMOS Voltage Reference Based on Compensated ΔVTH with Wide Temperature Range and High PSRR.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference, 2018

Identifying, Collecting, and Presenting Hacker Community Data: Forums, IRC, Carding Shops, and DNMs.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2018

Weakly Supervised Audio Source Separation via Spectrum Energy Preserved Wasserstein Learning.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018

The Orbital Angular Momentum of Light for Ultra-High Capacity Data Centers.
Proceedings of the 2018 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2018

Analysis of the Health Status of Railway Vehicle Bearings Based on Improved HDP-HMM.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Systems and Informatics, 2018

Automatic Identification of Industrial Control Network Protocol Field Boundary Using Memory Propagation Tree.
Proceedings of the Information and Communications Security - 20th International Conference, 2018

Characterizing Treatment Strategies of Intrahepatic Bile Duct Cancer by Literature Mining.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics Workshops, 2018

SoProtector: Securing Native C/C++ Libraries for Mobile Applications.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2018

Multi-view to Novel View: Synthesizing Novel Views With Self-learned Confidence.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2018, 2018

Creating Tactile Emotional Expressions Based on Breathing Patterns.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium of Chinese CHI, 2018

Visual Attention Model for Name Tagging in Multimodal Social Media.
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018

Three-Dimensional Measurement for Specular Reflection Surface Based on Reflection Component Separation and Priority Region Filling Theory.
Sensors, 2017

Sparse learning of maximum likelihood model for optimization of complex loss function.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2017

A retrieval algorithm for specific face images in airport surveillance multimedia videos on cloud computing platform.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2017

虚拟现实技术在专门用途英语教学中的应用研究综述 (Review of Virtual Reality Technology Based Application Research in English Teaching for Special Purposes).
计算机科学, 2017

深度学习改变保险精算定价模式 (New Pattern of Actuarial Pricing Based on Deep Learning).
计算机科学, 2017

Using Blockchain to Protect Personal Privacy in the Scenario of Online Taxi-hailing.
Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control, 2017

Effects of network structures and fermi function's parameter β in promoting information spreading on dynamic social networks.
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 2017

Minimum cost consensus models based on random opinions.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2017

Unique Determination of Convex Lattice Sets.
Discret. Comput. Geom., 2017

Fast backup and recovery for web protectiuon using trigger and block hash approach.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., 2017

Unsupervised Audio Source Separation via Spectrum Energy Preserved Wasserstein Learning.
CoRR, 2017

An improved skyline based heuristic for the 2D strip packing problem and its efficient implementation.
Comput. Oper. Res., 2017

ENCORE: External Neural Constraints Regularized Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction.
Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2017

POQAS-S: a Novel Programmer-Oriented Online Question Answering System With Semantic Comprehension.
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2017

Evaluating GPGPU Memory Performance Through the C-AMAT Model.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Memory Centric Programming for HPC, 2017

Path planning of six-DOF serial robots based on improved artificial potential field method.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2017

Cavity-less 50GHz frequency comb generation by comb pitch multiplication.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2017

Improved Multimodal Representation Learning with Skip Connections.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Multimedia Conference, 2017

Visualization of latent fingerprints beneath opaque electrical tapes by optical coherence tomography.
Proceedings of the MIPPR 2017: Remote Sensing Image Processing, 2017

Research on Location Planning of Urban Rail Transit Emergency Facility Considering Vulnerability Node.
Proceedings of the Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017

How Does Brand Community Identity Affect Brand Loyalty and Brand Recommendation?
Proceedings of the Transdisciplinary Engineering: A Paradigm Shift, 2017

Cognitive Acoustic Analytics Service for Internet of Things.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing, 2017

SSGD: Superpixels using the Shortest Gradient Distance.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2017

Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Deep Forest and Spectral-Spatial Cooperative Feature.
Proceedings of the Image and Graphics - 9th International Conference, 2017

NITE: A Neural Inductive Teaching Framework for Domain Specific NER.
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2017

Tunable Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Conversion on 100Gb/s Real Data Traffic by Exploiting Concentric Waveguide Emitters.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication, 2017

Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Image Captioning with Embedding Reward.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017

Design of Multi-channel Array Signal Acquisition System.
Proceedings of the Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems, 2017

AutoScaler: Scale-Attention Networks for Visual Correspondence.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2017, 2017

Research of web front-end engineering solution in public cultural service project.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, 2017

A Hierarchical Distributed Processing Framework for Big Image Data.
IEEE Trans. Big Data, 2016

Challenges and opportunities in next-generation cyberspace security.
Secur. Commun. Networks, 2016

Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Nonlinear Spectral-Spatial Network.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2016

云计算中身份认证技术研究 (Research on Identity Authentication Technology in Cloud Computing).
计算机科学, 2016

Becoming Friends in Online Brand Communities: Evidence From China.
J. Comput. Mediat. Commun., 2016

No Gap Second-order Optimality Conditions for a Matrix Cone Programming Induced by the Nuclear Norm.
Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res., 2016

Simple Interrogative Sentence Analysis Based on CRF.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2016

ZJU Participation in TAC 2016 EDL task.
Proceedings of the 2016 Text Analysis Conference, 2016

Application of hilbert transform in vehicle dynamics analysis.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, 2016

An adaptive nonlinear iterative sliding mode controller based on heuristic critic algorithm.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2016

Improved face recognition result reranking based on shape contexts.
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, 2016

Depth-Sensitive Mean-Shift Method for Head Tracking.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 12th International Conference, 2016

Optimized Environment Designing of Nanjing South Railway Station Based on Pedestrian Simulation.
Proceedings of the Cross-Cultural Design, 2016

On voting consensus modeling with weight constraints for places.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2016

iHear Food: Eating Detection Using Commodity Bluetooth Headsets.
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, 2016

Improving Tuberculosis Diagnostics Using Deep Learning and Mobile Health Technologies among Resource-Poor and Marginalized Communities.
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, 2016

A multi-phase adaptively guided multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition for travelling salesman problem.
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2016

Web-Based Marine Engineering English Intelligent Training System Design.
Proceedings of the Theory, Methodology, Tools and Applications for Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems, 2016

Global Crop Monitoring: A Satellite-Based Hierarchical Approach.
Remote. Sens., 2015

Effect of aluminum concentration on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Sn-Cu-Al solder alloy.
Microelectron. Reliab., 2015

Defining the Domain Arrangement of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Complex Component Rictor Protein.
J. Comput. Biol., 2015

HeteroSpark: A heterogeneous CPU/GPU Spark platform for machine learning algorithms.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking, 2015

Fault-tolerant methods for a new lightweight cipher SIMON.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2015

An improved analytical model of GaN HEMT in cascode configuration during turn-on transition.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2015

Selective sending block determination method based on quad-tree structure for live video streaming systems.
Proceedings of the IECON 2015, 2015

An Online Supervised Learning Algorithm Based on Nonlinear Spike Train Kernels.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Methodologies, 2015

Investigation into Designing of Elderly Products Intending for the User's Behavior Experiencing.
Proceedings of the Cross-Cultural Design Methods, Practice and Impact, 2015

A Two-Phase External Archive Guided Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for the Software Next Release Problem.
Proceedings of the Bio-Inspired Computing - Theories and Applications, 2015

SAACO: A Self Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization in Cloud Computing.
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing, 2015

A Multilevel Simplification Algorithm for Computing the Average Shortest-Path Length of Scale-Free Complex Network.
J. Appl. Math., 2014

Optimization Scheme of Forming Linear WSN for Safety Monitoring in Railway Transportation.
Int. J. Comput. Commun. Control, 2014

Identification of miR159s and their target genes and expression analysis under drought stress in potato.
Comput. Biol. Chem., 2014

BIT and Purdue at TREC-KBA-CCR Track 2014.
Proceedings of The Twenty-Third Text REtrieval Conference, 2014

Cross-domain and cross-category emotion tagging for comments of online news.
Proceedings of the 37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2014

Active hashing with joint data example and tag selection.
Proceedings of the 37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2014

Active and Personalized Services in an Information Security Engineering Cloud Based on ISO/IEC 15408.
Proceedings of the Intelligence and Security Informatics - Pacific Asia Workshop, 2014

User Management in Information Security Engineering Environment ISEE.
Proceedings of the Intelligence and Security Informatics - Pacific Asia Workshop, 2014

Measuring Public Satisfaction for Government Process Reengineering.
Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2014

The Study on Influences of Online Review Helpfulness.
Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2014

Group Participation Game Strategy for Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing.
Proceedings of the Network and Parallel Computing, 2014

Wireless current sharing scheme considering phase synchronization requirement for paralleled online UPS inverters.
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2014

An integrated control simulation system of ship motion and main propulsion.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2014

Revised dynamic programming in Azimuth-Range-Doppler data.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 2014

Building Cost-Effective Storage Clouds.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, 2014

IT-Supported Business Performance and E-Commerce Application in SMEs.
J. Electron. Commer. Organ., 2013

A Web-oriented Framework for Graph Simplification and Interactive Visualization.
J. Comput., 2013

Analysis of Average Shortest-Path Length of Scale-Free Network.
J. Appl. Math., 2013

How Do Different Types of Community Commitment Influence Brand Commitment? The Mediation of Brand Attachment.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw., 2013

Prediction and verification of microRNAs related to proline accumulation under drought stress in potato.
Comput. Biol. Chem., 2013

A new approach for RRM conformance testing in LTE system.
Proceedings of the 22nd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference, 2013

A QoS-assured opportunistic routing mechanism for WMN.
Proceedings of the 2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2013

Public Information System Interface Design Research.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2013, 2013

Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication Based on Fibonacci Number.
Proceedings of the 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2013

Ternary Method in Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication.
Proceedings of the 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2013

Research on dynamic evolution of soil salinization in Tianjin costal area using remote sensing.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2013

Feasibility study of building seismic damage assessment using oblique photogrammetric technology.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2013

Virtual Prototype Design of Double Disc Mower Drive Bracket Based on ANSYS Workbench.
Proceedings of the Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture VII, 2013

Design and implementation of medical service robot with single arm and tracking function.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, 2013

Congestion Control Based on Multi-priority Data for Opportunistic Routing.
Proceedings of the Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2013

An Analysis of Software Supportable Tasks Related with ISO/IEC 15408.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, 2013

Finite Element Analysis and Computation of the Reinforcement Effect and Mechanism of the Ventilation Roadway U-Type Arch.
Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, 2013

Differential Properties of the Symmetric Matrix-Valued Fischer-Burmeister Function.
J. Optim. Theory Appl., 2012

Transformation of E-Commerce by Business and Law Perspectives: Case Study on "October Event" of Taobao Mall.
Proceedings of the 11th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2012

Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Computer Animation Festival, Singapore, November 28, 2012

Performance analysis of router-formed multi-hop Wi-Fi network for Building Automation.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Networked Sensing, 2012

A simple algorithm for retrieval of the optical thickness at L-band from SMOS data.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012

Remote sensing and GIS based geothermal exploration in southwest Tengchong, China.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012

Predictive Data and Energy Management under Budget.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops, 2012

ERMS: An Elastic Replication Management System for HDFS.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops, 2012

Improved algorithm of RBF neural networks and its application.
Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems, 2012

Recovering Three-Dimensional Surfaces with Multi-images Shape-From-Shading Method.
Proceedings of the AsiaSim 2012, 2012

Time-Critical Influence Maximization in Social Networks with Time-Delayed Diffusion Process.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012

Forest Fires Simulation Based on MOGRE Particle System.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2012

Visual Simulation of Techniques and Effects of Thinning of Chinese Fir Plantations with Different Planting Densities.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2012

Regional Eco-efficiency and Environmental Risk Analysis in China Based on NUO-DEA Model.
Proceedings of the Modeling Risk Management for Resources and Environment in China, 2011

The Effect of Magnetic Field-Tuned Resonance on the Capacitance of Laminate Composites.
J. Sens. Technol., 2011

An Improved Fast SPIHT Image Compression Algorithm for Aerial Applications.
J. Multim., 2011

A Dynamic Role-Based Authorization Model in Grid Environment.
J. Digit. Inf. Manag., 2011

Detection of Nonlinear Interactions of EEG alpha Waves in the Brain by a New Coherence Measure and its Application to Epilepsy and Anti-Epileptic Drug Therapy.
Int. J. Neural Syst., 2011

One Improved Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Information Transformation.
Comput. Inf. Sci., 2011

Geothermal area detection using Landsat ETM+ thermal infrared data and its mechanistic analysis - A case study in Tengchong, China.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation, 2011

An approach using hidden Markov model for estimating and replacing missing categorical data.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Quality, 2011

Assessment of boreal forest biomass using L-band radiometer SMOS data.
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

Designing an improved soil moisture index in the near-infrared and shortwave plane.
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

Study on quantitative retrieval of soil nutrients.
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011

Research of Event Pronoun Resolution.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 2011

A general fuzzified CMAC based reinforcement learning control for ship steering using recursive least-squares algorithm.
Neurocomputing, 2010

Construction of Virtual Backbone with Multiple Factors Constraints in Wireless Ad-hoc Network.
Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks, 2010

MQuery: Fast Graph Query via Semantic Indexing for Mobile Context.
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2010

NPS: Non-periodic sensing for opportunistic spectrum access.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing, 2010

A New Type of Parallel Computing Architecture and Its Parallel Computer Based on N+1 Programs.
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, 2010

An two-dimensional spectral space based model for Drought monitoring and its re-examination.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, 2010

A sample selection algorithm based on maximum entropy and contribution.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2010

Pragmatic IPO Model of Micro Communication Process.
Proceedings of the ICISO 2010, 2010

Spread E, F layer ionospheric clutter identification in range-Doppler map for HFSWR.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Structure of the Network for TAOBAO.
Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, 2010

A Case Investigation on the Scaling Behaviors in Web Browsing.
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops, Toronto, Canada, August 31, 2010

One Improved Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Information Transformation.
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops, Toronto, Canada, August 31, 2010

Improving the Defence against Web Server Fingerprinting by Eliminating Compliance Variation.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, 2010

W-band pulsed radar receiver in low cost CMOS.
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2010

A More Efficient Closest String Problem.
Proceedings of the ISCA 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2010

A Fuzzy Assessment Model for Traffic Safety in City: A Case Study in China.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence, 2010

A Model of Implementing NETCONF Based on SOAP for Network Management.
Proceedings of the 10th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, 2009

A Collaborative Filtering Tag Recommendation System Based on Graph.
Proceedings of ECML PKDD (The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases) Discovery Challenge 2009, 2009

A Tag Recommendation System Based on Contents.
Proceedings of ECML PKDD (The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases) Discovery Challenge 2009, 2009

Self-Protection Model Based on Intelligent Agent.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Network and System Security, 2009

A Comparative Study on Snow Cover Monitoring of Different Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, 2009

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation for Electromagnetic Loop in China Ultra-high Voltage Grid.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2009

Research on Distributed Data Mining Technology Based on Grid.
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Database Technology and Applications, 2009

Topological Structure and Interest Spectrum of the Group Interest Network.
Proceedings of the Complex Sciences, 2009

The Bipartite Network Study of the Library Book Lending System.
Proceedings of the Complex Sciences, 2009

An Efficient Cloud Computing-Based Architecture for Freight System Application in China Railway.
Proceedings of the Cloud Computing, First International Conference, CloudCom 2009, Beijing, 2009

A tag recommendation system for folksonomy.
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Social Web Search and Mining, 2009

Effective hole-injection layer for non-doped inverted top-emitting organic light-emitting devices.
Microelectron. J., 2008

The Maturing Chinese Offshore IT Services Industry: It Takes 10 Years to Sharpen a Sword.
MIS Q. Executive, 2008

Under Development - UCD in Chinese IT enterprises.
Interactions, 2008

Corra: Computational framework and tools for LC-MS discovery and targeted mass spectrometry-based proteomics.
BMC Bioinform., 2008

MS-BID: a Java package for label-free LC-MS-based comparative proteomic analysis.
Bioinform., 2008

New Approximation for Minimum-Weight Routing Backbone in Wireless Sensor Network.
Proceedings of the Wireless Algorithms, 2008

Characteristics of the Group Interest Network.
Proceedings of the Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, 4th International Conference, 2008

Trade-off scheme for fault tolerant connected dominating sets on size and diameter.
Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Foundations of Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking and Computing, 2008

An Analysis Framework of Factors Influencing China Software and Information Service Offshore Outsourcing.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2008), 2008

A General Fuzzified CMAC Controller with Eligibility.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Networks, 2008

Cognitive detector: A new architecture for target detection and tracking in complex environment.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, 2008

Analysis and Simulation Protocols Based on Slotted ALOHA for Plastic Optical Fiber Network.
Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Computer Science and Computational Technology, 2008

A Fast Algorithm for the Chirp Rate Estimation.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, 2008

E-learning and Its Information Technology.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008

On approximation algorithms of k-connected m-dominating sets in disk graphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2007

Efficient elliptic curve scalar multiplication algorithms resistant to power analysis.
Inf. Sci., 2007

Analysis of Sidelobe Elevation for Polyphase Complementary Codes through the Non-ideal System.
Proceedings of the 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, 2007

Research on Visualization Techniques for Web Usability Analysis.
Proceedings of the 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, 2007

Outlier Detection from Pooled Data for Image Retrieval System Evaluation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2007

Generators Bidding Behavior in the NYISO Day-Ahead Wholesale Electricity Market.
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), 2007

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation for Power Network Operating Schemes.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2007

CRM Method for Power Supply Enterprises Based on Analysis of Utility and Customers_ Credit and Multistage Fuzzy Evaluation.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2007

Pseudo-Randomness of Discrete-Log Sequences from Elliptic Curves.
Proceedings of the Information Security and Cryptology, Third SKLOIS Conference, 2007

Auction-Based Pricing Model for Web Service Providers.
Int. J. Web Serv. Res., 2006

An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Learning Classification Rules.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006), 2006

An 802.11g WLAN SoC.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2005

Research on resources environment data grid.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005

Assisting Seller Pricing Strategy Selection for Electronic Auctions.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2004), 2004

Marker-controlled perception-based mesh segmentation.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, 2004

On Miquel's Five-Circle Theorem.
Proceedings of the Computer Algebra and Geometric Algebra with Applications, 2004

Prediction of PTZ-induced seizures using wavelet-based residual entropy of cortical and subcortical field potentials.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2003

Analysis and Simulation of a Plastic Optical Fiber Access Network Based on OCDMA Technology.
Photonic Netw. Commun., 2003

A design environment for high-throughput low-power dedicated signal processing systems.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2002

A Study of Fairness for ATM ABR Service Based on Cell Delay.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Networking, 2001

A design environment for high throughput, low power dedicated signal processing systems.
Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2001

H<sub>2</sub> Control design for fuzzy dynamic systems via LMI.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 2000

L-8 constrained micronoise filtering for high-fidelity image compression.
Proceedings of the Visual Communications and Image Processing 2000, 2000

Automated regression testing using DBT and <i>Sleuth</i>.
J. Softw. Maintenance Res. Pract., 1999

Trade-offs of performance and single chip implementation of indoor wireless multi-access receivers.
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 1999

Dynamic output feedback H<sup>infinity</sup> controller design of fuzzy dynamic systems using LMI techniques.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, 1998

Study on adaptive job assignment for multiprocessor implementation of MPEG2 video encoding.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 1997

Stable Adaptive Control of A Class of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using RBF Networks.
Intell. Autom. Soft Comput., 1996

Analysis of a CDMA soft handoff algorithm.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, 1995

Analysis of handoff algorithms using both absolute and relative measurements.
Proceedings of 44th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: Creating Tomorrow's Mobile Systems, 1994

Polyphase sequence with low autocorrelations.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1993

On the crosscorrelation of generalized Barker sequences.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1990

Uniqueness of the generalized Barker sequence of length 6.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1990

A limit theorem for n-phase Barker sequences (corresp.).
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1990

Sixty-phase generalized Barker sequences.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 1989

Distributed Supercomputing for Graphics Applications: A Case Study on an Implementation of the Radiosity Approach.
Proceedings of the Supercomputer'89: Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends, 1989
